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Karma anyone? OceanGate sub CEO wanted diversity hires. No “old white guys.”

Man, that must have been a horrific few moments for them but sounds like it didn’t last long if the craft imploded. I think it would be an amazing thing to be able to see the Titanic up close but as much as they try to normalize this type of activity, it’s still very dangerous. Same with space tourism etc. there’s just too many things that can go wrong and to die doing something so frivolous kinda sucks. Kinda like the people that have to fuck around at the top of a waterfall in Yosemite for the perfect Instragram picture and end up going over the falls.
Very sad, but they chose to onboard the vessel. I would have never. We are a creature of the land.
I don't even like to fly in airplanes. Mainly because I see how they are built.
I prefer a good running vehicle with good tires & brakes.
It's about the welder is it? :sneaky:
Was the vessel construction on par with the controller? :eek:
I knew an "Old white guy" who used to weld submarine hulls for the Navy.
Every inch of weld was X-Ray inspected, it had to come up "Water clear", if a speck showed it had to be ground out and re-welded.
These guys?
Was the vessel construction on par with the controller? :eek:
I knew an "Old white guy" who used to weld submarine hulls for the Navy.
Every inch of weld was X-Ray inspected, it had to come up "Water clear", if a speck showed it had to be ground out and re-welded.
These guys?
I don’t think this guy had any Real inspections, another reason he didn’t want Old 50 yr old White guys around, JMHO
I looked up the construction.
Carbon Fiber and Titanium.
I've worked with CF, it has some interesting strengths, but also weaknesses.
Like a chain it is only as strong as its weakest link (Bond).
One article I saw stated that the viewport may have been the weak link.
At those pressures any weakness is likely fatal.
Past trips have been problematic, I think this thing was doomed from the get-go!
I looked up the construction.
Carbon Fiber and Titanium.
I've worked with CF, it has some interesting strengths, but also weaknesses.
Like a chain it is only as strong as its weakest link (Bond).
One article I saw stated that the viewport may have been the weak link.
At those pressures any weakness is likely fatal.
Past trips have been problematic, I think this thing was doomed from the get-go!
I heard that the CF was Wrapped around the Ti for Added strength and Not in the original design? sounds like a Band-Aid, I do agree with Richard on that window being the weak point
Figures. Fucktard and his cabal has been trying to control everything and to spin everything in his favor.

Transparency? Bullshit.
Since it imploded, they were killed instantly.
That's a lot better than sitting there 3 days running out of oxygen.
Man I cannot imagine what that sudden immense pressure would do to your body. I feel like it’s got to be a lot more instantaneous than just drowning.
Someone asked about recovering the bodies, what bodies?
I suppose there may be some major bones, but pressure, currents, and fish have probably made "Recovery" impossible.
What I wonder is, will the company be required to pay for removing the "Submarine" pieces now littering the ocean floor near the Titanic site?
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