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Satoh Beaver III Model S373D

Water pump is on, 40 year old original was shot, shaft was wobbling around. Not to hard a job, a 10, 12 and 14 mm socket, a Phillips, flathead, silicone and scraper is all it took.

Immediately put it to work, fixed a grape vine (used it to pull and straighten the posts while I attached cross braces), moved an old burn barrel, moved brush and leveled a dirt pile.
Water pump is on, 40 year old original was shot, shaft was wobbling around. Not to hard a job, a 10, 12 and 14 mm socket, a Phillips, flathead, silicone and scraper is all it took.

Immediately put it to work, fixed a grape vine (used it to pull and straighten the posts while I attached cross braces), moved an old burn barrel, moved brush and leveled a dirt pile.

Let's see some pics of the old girl.
I am bad about not taking pics while doing stuff but will snap some.

The Japanese can build some stuff, I have always been impressed that they put things together logically and make stuff last. I know this Chinese pump won't last anywhere close to the 40 years the old pump did.
The OEM alternator has broken windings and no parts available. I stopped by the alternator shop today and the owner gave me 1 new and 1 old core to try. I was tied up in traffic getting there, I called and he waited for me, I arrived after they closed. I love to deal with small companies.
Hope 1 works for you 👍🙂 if not any ideas?
Hope 1 works for you 👍🙂 if not any ideas?
I had to reverse the top bracket so it will slide on the block and not the alternator, added a space using a longer bolt and need to find a shorter belt, the alternator he has will work perfectly. The alternator shop is going to change some inside mechanics and make it a 1 wire system, with internal regulator, mine has an external. Will then be upgraded to a 40 AMP alternator from a 15 AMP

I had to reverse the top bracket so it will slide on the block and not the alternator, added a space using a longer bolt and need to find a shorter belt, the alternator he has will work perfectly. The alternator shop is going to change some inside mechanics and make it a 1 wire system, with internal regulator, mine has an external. Will then be upgraded to a 40 AMP alternator from a 15 AMP

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I see a lug nut 👍👍 where theres a Will theres always a way 👍👍🙂
I may have found a radiator shop too. One thing at a time.

I was thinking it may be worthwhile to have my old alternators and starters from the Chevelles rebuilt and just sit on the shelf. 50 year car stuff is not getting any easier to find.
I installed the new one wire alternator, really had a time finding a belt to fit, finally had success. Charging at 14.7 after glow plug start. Couldn't figure out why Dash warning lights were not coming on, I found a burned out oil pressure bulb, swapped it with the now useless charge light bulb. Replaced a bad 15AMP fuse and fixed a pinched ground wire for the lights. Everything is done with that one for now.
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