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Ben & Jerry's

I've tried Ben & Jerry's a few times and I think it's shitty, overpriced ice creme. Plus, their a bunch of liberal fuckers. Bought my last container I bet 30 years ago.
Never had it. I guess I'm not one of those who needs to have all the different flavor ice creams. I like chocolate and mint chocolate chip. I guess I'm just a plain kinda guy in that aspect.
Never tried it, didn't need to ever drift away from Tillamook ice cream, it's fantastic and it's all dairy and natural flavors...no crappy additives or anti-freeze.
Around here it's Braum's or Blue Bell. We don't have Tillamook ice cream, but we have their cheese. Good stuff.
I've had Breyers, it's good, but there's many entrys in the ingredients, vs Tillamook.
Blue Bell 👍👍👍👍😁 They have a Head of Activist or Activism? and someone for Racial Divide? Fuck’em!!! But I’ve never bought any of their Over priced ice cream anyway
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I won't deny loving Ben and Jerrys, but its overpriced and they are asswipes. Bluebell is local to us, their motto is "we eat all we can, then we sell the rest" I try to stay way from ice cream, I can't eat just a little.
Screw Ben & Jerry’s crap! How screwed up can two guys get? I’ll say one thing to those idiots: “America, Love it or Leave It!”

When we lived in Florida we loved the vanilla ice cream from Winn Dixie! ❤️
We had a Schawn's that used to deliver in our area.... expensive as all get out. Hopefully you got good deals.
They didn't give it away that's for sure. Kind of like buying from Omaha steaks. I haven't bought any ice cream for a long time other than Dilly Bars.
When I was a kid & we'd come to town in the summer I'd always order a DQ cherry sunday. The DQ we had then was just the walk up window, & was probably only open from May to about end of Sept.

Given the temperate climate here, our DQ will be open year round. They do have a drive up windows, and also walk in. They wiped out a Church's Fried Chicken that wasn't doing well and are revamping it into the DQ. They'll do killer business I'm sure.

Essentially same story as above. Are Ben and Jerry actually just liberal, hypocritical, virtual signaling douchebags?

Yes, yes they are.
They need to give away their headquarters but my guess is that the tribe will accept a little payoff and B&J will go on being hypocrites telling everyone else how they are terrible people.
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