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Ben & Jerry's

Given the temperate climate here, our DQ will be open year round. They do have a drive up windows, and also walk in. They wiped out a Church's Fried Chicken that wasn't doing well and are revamping it into the DQ. They'll do killer business I'm sure.

I'll never forget back in 1962 or so in Batavia, NY while visting my Sister & Husband who had relocated there from Sarasota, people standing in line in the dead of Winter (with snow blowing) waiting for ice cream! It may have been a Dairy Queen but I don't recall. So, true ice cream lovers could care lerss about the temperature outside! Ha! Personally I like the Heath Blizzard! I'm not suppose to have ice cream but I cheat on occasion! :)
Anyone remember the Mr Softie trucks that drove around neighborhoods? I was 6 or 7 and wanted a cone and the truck was parked across the street and when I was running across my cousins front yard, sidewalk the truck started to leave but I kept running and got knocked down in the street by the truck, guy gave me a Free ice cream cone 👍😂 but I never did that again lol, got hit by that truck and 2 other cars before I was 8 yrs old, Hum might explain a few things haha 🥳
Anyone remember the Mr Softie trucks that drove around neighborhoods? I was 6 or 7 and wanted a cone and the truck was parked across the street and when I was running across my cousins front yard, sidewalk the truck started to leave but I kept running and got knocked down in the street by the truck, guy gave me a Free ice cream cone 👍😂 but I never did that again lol, got hit by that truck and 2 other cars before I was 8 yrs old, Hum might explain a few things haha 🥳
They still run around beach towns.
Never tried it, didn't need to ever drift away from Tillamook ice cream, it's fantastic and it's all dairy and natural flavors...no crappy additives or anti-freeze.

Look what I found in Winn Dixie (Lisa didn't want to go to wally world)..... I read the ingredients and it has more stuff than Breyers.


Tillamook label is a covered from the protective top, but it what's covered is cocoa, but it also has peanut oil and pasteurized egg yokes (not in Breyers), otherwise almost identical ingredients.


We got the Breyers (that's what Lisa wanted). The Tillamook was more expensive probably because of the shipping from Oregon.
I was at Winn Dixie a little while ago, we only buy this when it’s BoGo and use to be around $6.98$ a half gal. But F this! $9+ a half gal?


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Same price we just saw for the Blue Bell, and that's a hard no. We went to Winn Dixie also because last time they had the BOGO on the Breyers, but not this time.
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