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68 Convertible front suspension too high

That's encouraging.
Sorry - my knowledge of the parts terminology is still growing - if you are referring to the bushing bolts on the control armst then the answer is yes. If there are other suspension bushings you are referring to - then I'm not 100% certain they did but my confidence is pretty good (and growing) that they know what they are doing.
No, I'm only referring to the front control arm bushings, upper and lower. One thing I've always had problems with, is the upper control arm front and rear pivot retainer bolts, the 5/16 fine thread bolts with the cup washer. They tend to loosen and you'll notice a clunk upon breaking which will tell you they need attention. I use full strength thread locker on these but still can work loose. I believe it was '71 when they switched to a large lock nut to replace these, and it fixed the issue.
...the 5/16 fine thread bolts with the cup washer. They tend to loosen and you'll notice a clunk upon breaking which will tell you they need attention. I use full strength thread locker on these but still can work loose. I believe it was '71 when they switched to a large lock nut to replace these, and it fixed the issue.
Thanks for that insight! I'm making a note so I'll recognize the issue if I start hearing that clunking sound.
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