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10’ Wood Gate Sag


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I’m thinking of using a floor jack to jack up my 2-10’ gates and use truss gusset plates and 12 common stubby nails and a palm nailer to get these gates back to level with the fence, I had the 1987 Home Depot fence replaced with a hand made Yella Wood fence in 2015 with 4”x6” gate posts in cement but the framing of the gates are sagging so thinking my idea will fix the issue unless someone has a better idea?


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This will do the trick. I've used them before and you can adjust it if it sags again.

I have a small kit like that for a wood frame screen door but was wondering about the weight of those big gates? Well it does say 6’ high 4’ wide, mine are 5’ wide but doubt that matters
Other day I bought a 1”x4”x8’ in what was Advertised PT, receipt said Pressure Treated Appearance 🤨

Yeah, they are starting to cheap out alot. If you read closely now you have to be careful because some are marked "ground contact" and not full pressure treated.
Arsenic, for pressure treat. If you burn it, either green or red smoke, can't quite remember is produced and it can kill.
I always run my gate gussets opposite of the direction you have it....that way you're relying on compression vs. tension. Won't stress your nailing near as much.
This will do the trick. I've used them before and you can adjust it if it sags again.

I've used that kit and do not recommend it. The metal for the 'hooks' is weak and will not hold for long. Try to find a better turnbuckle kit that has thicker hooks.
Never mind what I said, for some crazy reason my phone only picked up the upper half of your swing gates .... back on my laptop and it's just fine. Sorry I blew up.
I've used that kit and do not recommend it. The metal for the 'hooks' is weak and will not hold for long. Try to find a better turnbuckle kit that has thicker hooks.

Only an example. Buying at big box stores where they sell in volume you usually end up with cheaper hardware. Most (if not all) of the gate hinges sold at Lowes and HD are lame too, and the screws rust out in short order.

For outdoor hardware I usually go to Ace or Tractor Supply. More expensive, but they last.
Only an example. Buying at big box stores where they sell in volume you usually end up with cheaper hardware. Most (if not all) of the gate hinges sold at Lowes and HD are lame too, and the screws rust out in short order.

For outdoor hardware I usually go to Ace or Tractor Supply. More expensive, but they last.
We have a fairly large Ace about 15 blocks away I'll see what they have today
Ace only had enough for 1 set of gates so I’m going to Home Depot 2 balks from my house to see what they have or Lowes is right across the street from HD


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