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Pretty hot day...

Lame ass answers from people who are lazy and cheap. You want comfort but aren't willing to pay the piper.

For all those who keep asking you to fix the old system and say they will replace it next year, I'd double the price to fix the old shitty system each year they don't replace it. Let someone else fix the mess.
2 of the 3 I sold yesterday are blowing Cold air but the owners know they're on borrowed time so staying ahead of Break Downs (y) :)

Responsible people. They understand and realize they have to pay the money. I have never shortcut or band aided any of my systems ever. Fix it right or shut the fuck up. No excuses. This ain't rocket science.
Responsible people. They understand and realize they have to pay the money. I have never shortcut or band aided any of my systems ever. Fix it right or shut the fuck up. No excuses. This ain't rocket science.
Our system was working fine but 7 year old outdoor heat pump, 15ish year old unit in attic that I installed so in May of 2020 (Vid High Alert Time 😂)I installed a new system and all new ducts because I had the time and knew we were on Borrowed time 👍🙂
Our system was working fine but 7 year old outdoor heat pump, 15ish year old unit in attic that I installed so in May of 2020 (Vid High Alert Time 😂)I installed a new system and all new ducts because I had the time and knew we were on Borrowed time 👍🙂
My first floor unit was replaced in 2019, my second floor unit was installed in 2003. We baby it.
Not sure if there is vinyl siding out there, but if there is, I'd bet with the heat and UV it's become so brittle. I'm betting most houses are block and stucco though.

There are houses that use vinyl siding and they look like crap after about 10 years.
There are houses that use vinyl siding and they look like crap after about 10 years.

That's seems kind of stupid. You'd think they'd use vinyl on mostly the soffit and other areas that aren't exposed to direct sunlight/UV, but then again, we all know why. Cheap.
Must be warm today.
Doing bodywork.
Spot filler keeps kicking off too quick.
I reduce the hardener and it is the same.
HAVE to use some hardener.
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