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Pretty hot day...


Veteran Member
Senior Member
It was already 113° at noon today. Our overnight low also set a new record for the high low - it only got down to 97° last night.
We set another record today - 119° for July 19th. The previous record was 116° set back in 1989. They are also saying that our overall average record for the day was also broken. On June 26, 1990 when we hit 122°, the average temp for the day was 106.5° (the overnight low was 91°). Well, today the average was 108° due to our overnight low being 97°. Gotta love it.
It was already 113° at noon today. Our overnight low also set a new record for the high low - it only got down to 97° last night.
I can handle triple digits here and there as long as it cools down a bit at night. A low of 97 is too dang hot.
I've got numerous people with 20+ year old ac systems with outside & inside coils Filthy Dirty, Bent or Corroded, Rotted fins saying "Can't you just add Freon?" :rolleyes: I've been explaining how ac's work till I'm Blue In The Face, I did sell 3 more new systems yesterday afternoon/evening, even had a weird dream last night about changing a system :(
Happy you got the new business, but sad you have to install them when it's so hot out.

Drink plenty or water/gatorade.

When you start having bad dreams about work it's time to start thinking about getting out of the game.
It's the same old song and dance, you tell people "I'll TRY to get it working best I can but SAVE some $ so we can replace the system this coming Winter and I can SAVE you a FEW BUCKS" then I hear "OH that'd be great and I'll Call You to do that" Blah Blah then Summer comes along and Rinse & Repeat LOL :ROFLMAO:
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