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Pretty hot day...

Yup we're all doom it's never been this hot, Trump was right again.
The Meteorologist is being blasted on Facebook as a denier, he says that he mentioned nothing about Climate Change, he is presenting facts. Lefties do not like facts, only feelings.
Seems anything contrary to what liberals think is grounds to persecute. Truth always wins, but liberals don't like truth because it reeks of common sense.
No tolerance for debate, they want to steam roll their agenda. If it was provable, it would have been......for 4 decades now???
Lots of similarities with the covid debate or lack of, more of a whitewash.
I finally heard for the First time a weatherman said Buildings etc are helping to bring on the rising temps compared to decades ago in areas that were once less populated, Not his exact words but same meaning, about time a Weatherman speaks some Truth it’s not All Gloom and Dispare of Climate Change caused by Internal Combustion Engines
To Rick's point, post 52, temps are normally taken at airports, which have been surrounded by sprawling blacktop and concrete jungles. One thing's for certain, climate change will be spun just like political grandstanding to achieve the results they want. Experts will be hand picked to support that very data, much like the covid thing.
Yesterday while I was waiting for the flatbed to bring my Chevelle back it Poured for about 10 min, then 10 min later the flatbed showed up completely dry guy said he never seen a drop LOL
I despise Will Smith, but this song and video is one of my all time favorites for the memorise that it evokes.

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