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489 BBC Build Thread

I was going to ask that, but studied the pics and since it's been decked, just assumed it'd be 0. It's never 0 across the board, usually 1,2, or even 3 thou down across the deck.
How's your forefingers?
Fingers are doing very well. LOL
It's nice to know I don't need an expensive head gasket to hit the .040" quench number.
Looks like Fel-pro 1027 is recommended because of aluminum heads. But $60 each ?
The standard blue fel-pro gaskets will easily hold 10-1 compression.
I think I'll stick with the $15 no-retorque gaskets.
Seems every time I start assembling, I discover another roadblock !
Now my timing chain is for a Gen IV BBC and I need the Gen 6 with step-nose cam type. Ugh !
Ordered this one from Summit :


They have raised their "free shipping" threshold to $109 (from $100) so I added an air filter and stuff for the Camaro to save the $15 shipping.
Seems every time I start assembling, I discover another roadblock !
Now my timing chain is for a Gen IV BBC and I need the Gen 6 with step-nose cam type. Ugh !
Ordered this one from Summit :

View attachment 16635

They have raised their "free shipping" threshold to $109 (from $100) so I added an air filter and stuff for the Camaro to save the $15 shipping.
That looks like the billet set I have that’s a white box TFS but mines for a MKIV and I don’t need it, why not get a Rollmaster with Timken bearing?
That looks like the billet set I have that’s a white box TFS but mines for a MKIV and I don’t need it, why not get a Rollmaster with Timken bearing?
I think it's made by Rollmaster as it has a Torrington thrust bearing .
Rollmasters have really gone up. They are almost $60 higher than the Summit brand.
They look identical so I think they are making the budget one too.
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I think it's made by Rollmaster as it has a Torrington thrust bearing . But it's about $30 cheaper.
BillK says the single roll chain is all he uses for the Merc marine engines maybe one of those would be fine. More I thought about mine I wondered if having More roller bearings was a bad idea Oh I also remember Marcus saying he had to make clearance for the retaining screws to bearing retainer?
BillK says the single roll chain is all he uses for the Merc marine engines maybe one of those would be fine. More I thought about mine I wondered if having More roller bearings was a bad idea
I almost did use the stock chain because I have one. It's a little rusty but in ok shape.
I like having the degreed crank gear to advance/retard the cam.
Received the Summit timing chain and I can almost guarantee it is made by Rollmaster. It's identical in every way.
After a trip to Home Depot to get the cam retainer bolts (button-head screws) , I installed the chain.
Used blue loctite on retaining plate screws. Assembly lube on front and rear of retaining plate.
Also tried to force assembly lube into the bearing on the back of the cam sprocket.
I had a lockplate for the cam sprocket bolts and guess what ? It won't fit a step-nose cam; it's for a standard gen IV cam.
I still need to check cam timing so I can order a lockplate.

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