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'69 Malibu 4-Door Project

Good News, no other cancer found anywhere. No further treatment(s) needed! Wa-Hoo!

Got it aligned yesterday, inner fenderwells on order. Now a technical issue with the distributor... the vacuum advance doesn't. When applying vacuum to it the rod underneath moves *maybe* an 1/8". What's up with that? Without removing and disassembling it, what would be causing that? Was it deliberate, relying solely on centrifugal advance? It's not a stock unit, it's an HEI unit, single wire hookup ('78, '79ish).

Also, anybody got a 2-BBL with a TH350 they can take a pic of the carb kickdown linkage hookup? I can't seem to make head nor tails of it and the Assembly Manual is really vague on this part.

Good News, no other cancer found anywhere. No further treatment(s) needed! Wa-Hoo!

Got it aligned yesterday, inner fenderwells on order. Now a technical issue with the distributor... the vacuum advance doesn't. When applying vacuum to it the rod underneath moves *maybe* an 1/8". What's up with that? Without removing and disassembling it, what would be causing that? Was it deliberate, relying solely on centrifugal advance? It's not a stock unit, it's an HEI unit, single wire hookup ('78, '79ish).

Also, anybody got a 2-BBL with a TH350 they can take a pic of the carb kickdown linkage hookup? I can't seem to make head nor tails of it and the Assembly Manual is really vague on this part.

Outstanding! What a great Christmas present.
Double Wahoo!
About your timing, 10 degrees on your movement would amount to !/4" or real close. That's on a small cap dizzy, can't remember if the hei has a larger diameter advance plate or where the rod connects on the base circle which would change the math. I use a hand held vacuum pump to achieve 15 in. vacuum and measure. Usually have to limit it with either a bushing, weld, or an added plate.
I am overjoyed to announce that the heater core is now leaking... and it's an A/C car!

Good thing we discovered it before we put the fenderwells in! (the ONLY bright spot!)

Nice pull Beth........I remember looking for a copper one for my jeep and saw a number of them that pictured copper but in script below saying the pic may not represent the actual part......and after research they were indeed alum. The Summit one spells it out.
Same issue I had with the Starfire. Showed a picture of a copper core and it came aluminum. I returned it and before I ordered the next one I called to verify that it was copper.
I used an aluminum in my gold car, no issues so far but I still have the copper one and I will probably have it repaired to have as a spare.

Finding parts for older machines has become quite a challenge.
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