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2005 Ford Excursion 6.0L


Shop Foreman
8 miles to 200,000, tomorrow is the day!

Next weekend is our first RV trip since June. I noticed a CAC Cold side boot had soot around it, replaced. Oil/Filter and fuel filters have been purchased to change oil when we get back. I am going to clean the condenser, coolers and radiator fins to increase cooling and install a new thermostat. All maintenance items. One concern is the A/C struggles above 96 degrees in town., starting with a cleaning of fins and go from there.
Lisa's Excursion A/C was as cold as an iceberg at 100 degree temps. Helped when we had to travel to all the soccer games our son had. Sitting in the Excursion with the A/C blasting in between games was a lifesaver.
Lisa's Excursion A/C was as cold as an iceberg at 100 degree temps. Helped when we had to travel to all the soccer games our son had. Sitting in the Excursion with the A/C blasting in between games was a lifesaver.
Mine started not being 100% after a compressor failure, I am suspect of the condenser being not 100%
I'd check the orifice tube. Bet that's getting clogged. Condenser either works or it leaks, not much in between.
It has been changed out several times. I am going to go a good cleaning of all of the fins between the grill and fan just in case there is a blockage.
If the compressor failed you may have floating garbage in the lines. Did they flush the system?
They did flush it but the orifice tube for the rear A/C may need replacement. The compressor failed couple of years ago. On the Ford Truck Site they gave me a few things to look at. Facebook and the forums seem to be filled up with poor a/c performance complaints on Excursions.
A/C is cool at idle, cold when moving. It was fine tonight, only 90 degrees. 96 seems to be the magic number. When moving it is fine.
Condenser, transmission cooler, intercooler and radiator need a good cleaning. Ordered more cleaner, will e here tomorrow.
Cleaned the cores, no help. I am taking it to my small dealer on Tuesday next week. Who knows,, need to get it corrected.
The power steering cooler is first, then the condenser, transmission cooler, intercooler and then radiator. I did not pull it out, I was able to separate and spray down, using a garden sprayer. Did the best I could without tearing the whole front apart.
When I pulled the rad out of my 04 I had to pull a lot of stuff off.
Only issue I had was it was starting to run warm when towing & delayed fan lock up.
I didn't have any problems with AC or trans temp.
The dealer is fairly certain that there is trash in the system since the compressor was replaced 3 years ago. We have agreed to a new compressor, condenser, drier and front and rear orifice tubes and a system clean out. The compressor on it is an Advance Auto unit and being 3 years old it is probably ready to fail. Parts are on order and we take it back in 2 weeks. He is charging just what I thought it would cost,
2ish yrs ago I had the comp replaced on my 05 Express 2500 with a 4.8 V8, was a little over $800 with a flush and I Think a new drier, 1st place I went to that a cpl friends rec’d the gal wrote up the ticket spelling Drier as Dryer like a clothes dryer and orifice tube as Orfice tube, I’m not all that picky but if you can’t spell what you’re going to do for me I’m not giving you my business 😆 I took it to Ice Cold Auto Air and for roughly $40 more they fixed it, I probably could have done it but I’m not set up to do auto air and didn’t know my new best buddy that knows his shit with auto and boat ac, under $2K for what they’re doing at a dealer (Warranty) sounds like a heck of a good deal to me 👍👍🙂
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