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That's a new one....


Just got a call from some guy who spoke good English, but with an Indian accent asking if I had any real estate I'd like to sell, and I told him no, and he asked again if I was sure and I responded with I do have some ocean front property in Idaho, he was quiet for a second then asked is there a house on it and I hung up the phone. Dumbass.
Just got a call from some guy who spoke good English, but with an Indian accent asking if I had any real estate I'd like to sell, and I told him no, and he asked again if I was sure and I responded with I do have some ocean front property in Idaho, he was quiet for a second then asked is there a house on it and I hung up the phone. Dumbass.
I got in trouble with Lisa yesterday. She wasn't happy with my response to another scam call. I told the guy I was going to skull fuck his mother when Lisa grabbed the phone out of my hands and hung it up and hit me. She said I wasn't being nice.

Sorry for the ugly graphic you just imagined.
Unfortunately there is/was a guy with my same name in the same town who had a business. He must have applied for business funding. I get calls left and right from lenders wanting to fund. I am so tired of it. Most of the companies that call see to be predatory.
I got in trouble with Lisa yesterday. She wasn't happy with my response to another scam call. I told the guy I was going to skull fuck his mother when Lisa grabbed the phone out of my hands and hung it up and hit me. She said I wasn't being nice.

Sorry for the ugly graphic you just imagined.
I am done being nice too.
I had the same thing from one of those fly by night "we'll buy your house right now" idiots. When he asked if I would sell my house, I said "sure give me $450K" then he proceeded to tell me he can't make any money off the house. "not my problem" I told him and slammed the door in his face.
What I want to know is why I am being targeted by these SOB's.
I've never missed or been late on a payment, I do not have a second or third mortgage, my credit cards are not horrible, there is no reason I can think of for them to think I am desperate.
Pretty sure that when I croak this old double-wide will be a tear it down no matter how much upkeep I do.
But I still get the "Wanna sell your house" or "Reverse mortgage" calls nearly every week!
My standard response now is , "Sure, five million clear to me, and you pay my moving expenses".
They hang up, but a new fool takes their place.
And NONE of them sound like English is their primary language.
My grandsons father got a call the other day. Was someone with an Indian or Pakistani accent.
Wanted to know what he is going to do about his social security? He is 44 years old.
He gave him some shit and the caller said, "well, what about Bills social security"? Bill is his dead father.
So he said, what the fuck did you just say. And the Pakistani says, "I`ll fly a helicopter in to your house at... and he says his address and kill you and your whole family.
Needless to say he had more words for him and he hung up.
He call a buddy of his who is a cop in Hamden and the cop told him not to worry about.
He got a similar call at work and they said the same thing. They are just scammers.
I never answer calls I don't know and I must get 15 to 20 a day here at work.
We get flyer cards in the mail “We want to buy your home for CASH!!” Blah Blah at least once a week, my cell phone will say Possible Scam so I don’t answer those but if someone came up with $750K we’re Outta Here 😁😆 I Hate this Liberal Demmy Dummy city that I use to Love
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