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What’d you buy?

That's how I started out, but now I write them on the bottom. Little to no chance of it being smudged or the paint running over the writing.
Bought this Husky wrench set a few days or weeks? “Time Flys” ago at a Warehouse store new for $40 👍🙂


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Bought this Husky wrench set a few days or weeks? “Time Flys” ago at a Warehouse store new for $40 👍🙂

I did that at Lowes when they were trying to sell out all the kobalt socket and wrench sets so they could stock craftsman tool junk. Normal prices were like $175 marked down to like $40. Must have bought 10 or 12 sets. I have duplicates of everything and still some new still in cases.
While we are on the subject of paint cans, anyone got a method of pouring out a little but not making a mess on the side of the can?
Just pouring small volumes straight from the can, it wants to run down the side of the can.

I bought a plastic lip that snaps onto the edge of the can but it’s just another thing that you need to clean up.

I’ve seen the trick where you put a strip of tape along the inner lip of the can but after stirring the paint, the lip needs to be cleaned off in order for tape to stick. But at least you just throw away the tape.
I use the plastic lip all the time for both automotive paints and latex paints (quart and gallon). I never clean them off. Let the paint build up and dry, then crack and peel the paint off. Much easier.
I use the plastic lip all the time for both automotive paints and latex paints (quart and gallon). I never clean them off. Let the paint build up and dry, then crack and peel the paint off. Much easier.
Are we talking spray cans from Home Depot etc? or mixing paint?
I use dollar store measuring cups to dip into gallon cans then use a paint stick to scrape most of it off. Paint never touches the lip of the can until I get down below half full or so when it's controllable. For bigger pours just do it quick and deliberately.
Speaking of dipping into paint cans, anyone ever Pinch Poly Fleck from the little cans they come in? In the 80’s my high school, neighborhood friend and his dad were both body/paint/Gearhead’s and they were painting my 76 T/A and Sr was pinching out the Blue,Gold,Silver Poly fleck and stirring it into the clear and was pulling the stir stick up and asking “How’s that?” Well it was 2-3am and my friend and myself were drinking JD chasing with beer so I decided to dump all 3 little cans in the clear, Sr laughed and said OK 🙂 paint color was an Emerald Green and came out absolutely Beautiful,,,,For a Speed Boat 😂 after less than 3 months I had them repaint it Candy Red W/Gold base coat 👍👍
We had some crazy paint back in the day didn't we? I'm still a fan of pearls and even a bit of heavy flake, but in a subtle way. I've toyed with the idea of some inlay flake and graphics on the sail panels of the turquoise '66, but always chicken out, knowing it'll lose it's mainstream appeal. Ashamed to admit that.
I still like pearls (white pearls mostly), but heavy flake was a bit over the top for me. If the flake was smaller it depended on which color is how well it looked (to me). I liked it if it was tastefully done.
That poly fleck my friends used was fairly large, lot bigger than metallic lol, Blinded you when driving if the Sun hit just right, Expensive lesson learned 🙂 that car had custom Z28 Houndstooth & HD vinyl Int., wide molded flared fenders and molded front& rear spoilers looked great in the 80’s 👍🙂 Oh and Keystone Klassic mags, Cooper Cobra wide tires all around
There used to be a site called '70s muscle machines on Tumblr, it would scroll through countless cooler than f modified vintage photos of street racers and wild everyday muscle cars.....and they'd play '70s music. I'd find myself late night just vegging to the memories. The site's gone now, but not sure why, it was extremely popular.
There used to be a site called '70s muscle machines on Tumblr, it would scroll through countless cooler than f modified vintage photos of street racers and wild everyday muscle cars.....and they'd play '70s music. I'd find myself late night just vegging to the memories. The site's gone now, but not sure why, it was extremely popular.
Wow I’d really like to look through that site, oh well
My mistake, it was called 70s street machines, and I just looked, it's still up, but just similar to a facebook page with a ton of commentary and very little eye candy and 0 music.
The old site was just a ton of pics and music, all vintage photos.
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