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What’d you buy?

I had a heart attack Oct 2020 around 2am and the paramedics were wearing similar suits but the hood part was illuminated, looked like they were ready for walking on the Moon lol 😆

Wow. Sorry about that. Is your heart all good now, or is it thinking of attacking you again (I'm being serious but trying to make light of it, so please don't take offense)?
Getting prepared to tune my 850 DP
Wow. Sorry about that. Is your heart all good now, or is it thinking of attacking you again (I'm being serious but trying to make light of it, so please don't take offense)?
Lol No offense taken Kevin 👍👍🙂 I haven’t been to the heart dr, Kathy got sick the following month then my primary dr that I didn’t like retired and we’ve been seeing a nurse practitioner since, but I feel fine and my best friend said he had the heart stress test and it almost killed him and told me Don’t Do It 😂
Lol No offense taken Kevin 👍👍🙂 I haven’t been to the heart dr, Kathy got sick the following month then my primary dr that I didn’t like retired and we’ve been seeing a nurse practitioner since, but I feel fine and my best friend said he had the heart stress test and it almost killed him and told me Don’t Do It 😂

Back in the mid 2000s (2004 or 2005) I collapsed and Lisa took me to the hospital. Seems I'd been working too much and my body revolted, so while I was in the hospital (spent 3 days in there) they did all kinds of tests and a stress test was one of them. It kicked my ass, but I guess they were trying to be thorough. Final result was exhaustion and was told to chill out.
Back in the mid 2000s (2004 or 2005) I collapsed and Lisa took me to the hospital. Seems I'd been working too much and my body revolted, so while I was in the hospital (spent 3 days in there) they did all kinds of tests and a stress test was one of them. It kicked my ass, but I guess they were trying to be thorough. Final result was exhaustion and was told to chill out.
I’ve had heat exhaustion, around 2014/15 I was on the roof of my friends bar working on the ac’s mid summer and started getting really light headed, 4/12 pitch roof and didn’t want to go Ass over Tea Kettle so climbed down and got in the van started the ac and opened the cooler for some Gatorade then felt better, not 100% sure it was heat exhaustion as there’s different levels before heat stroke but I think whatever 1st level is is prob what I had so been watching for that ever since, another Getting Older Fun Thing 🤨 btw heard from Hank lately?
If you can’t do a traditional treadmill stress test there is a nuclear medicine heart scan that can identify possible blocked arteries in your heart. No exercise required. They do an injection of a medication that can make you feel flushed but it only lasts for a couple of minutes.
If someone has had heart attacks in the past you might have an abnormal EKG which would make a traditional treadmill stress test interpretable anyway.

Take care of yourselves gents.
If you can’t do a traditional treadmill stress test there is a nuclear medicine heart scan that can identify possible blocked arteries in your heart. No exercise required. They do an injection of a medication that can make you feel flushed but it only lasts for a couple of minutes.
If someone has had heart attacks in the past you might have an abnormal EKG which would make a traditional treadmill stress test interpretable anyway.

Take care of yourselves gents.

My Dad had to have a stress test like you mentioned. He had almost died on the table during radio active seed implant in his prostate and they did the test to find out he needed a triple bypass which happened a couple days later.
When my dr did an in office EKG she said I had a heart attack but she couldn’t tell when I had the heart attack from the EKG and this was probably a week or so after I had the attack, she said EKG doesn’t tell when it happened or how long ago, I really never like her but Kathy preferred having a lady dr and we both wanted to have the same primary dr
Also ran across a really nice looking air brush compressor for $40. I don’t airbrush but have always wanted to learn.
I’m trying to resist going back. I’m trying to declutter my home.
Ordered a Shiftworks adjustable detent cable, speedo cable and a cpl misc things since I can’t get the cable that came in a kit from Ground Up SS396 to adjust properly for the 4spd auto


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We hatched 7 chicks this Spring, all turned out to be Roosters, they went away 2 weekends ago. We just got home from the mountains and went to a feed store, they are stopping their fall chicks for the season, we bought 12 leftover birds. Chicks are in their wooden box under a heat lamp. Chicks are easier to raise in the fall and very early spring, to hard to maintain a constant temperature under the heat lamp in the summer.
I can’t be trusted with something that nice. I’m too lazy to take it off or I’d forget about it while doing some work and pretty soon it’s scratched to hell. Or else I’d consider it too precious to actually use.
Beautiful though.
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