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What’d you buy?

Ordered a Champion 2 row radiator for the Chevelle. They advised in get the 2 row for my c10 and it stays nice and cool so I figure that’s enough for the Chevelle too (both 350s).
I have a Champion 2 row cooling my BB and 2nd engine, very happy 👍👍
Consulted the budget and it allowed me a set of Harland Sharpe rockers for the 427. I would have just ran stamped, but I convinced myself to go roller cam, unless I pull some voodoo and come up with a solid flat tappet, which is less likely.
HS makes the AFR/Straub rockers I’m using 👍👍
They seem to get great reviews when used with roller spring rates, so I bit. The last set I bought were SS Crowers, but that's when they were affordable.
I picked this up today. The only issue is that the circumference is bigger than the exisiting one. So, I am going to try to find a shop that can cut me
the proper size square out of the same type of steel as the mount in the unit, then use my hydraulic punch set to make the hole.

Amrad Capacitor 1-31-2024.jpg
I picked this up today. The only issue is that the circumference is bigger than the exisiting one. So, I am going to try to find a shop that can cut me
the proper size square out of the same type of steel as the mount in the unit, then use my hydraulic punch set to make the hole.

View attachment 18082
No room to fit it inside and strap it down with plumber strap? That’s the Best capacitor you can buy, going in a RHEEM/Ruud?
Been thinking about this for camping and they were on a huge sale so picked it up for $39. On sale both at Amazon and Walmart so I assumed they were closing them out but they are back up to full price now. image.jpg
No room to fit it inside and strap it down with plumber strap? That’s the Best capacitor you can buy, going in a RHEEM/Ruud?

Nope. Day & Night. The compartment where it goes is not that roomy, so getting new piece of steel to mount it in will be the easiest solution.
New radiator. I didn’t order it polished but damned if it doesn’t look like it is. It’s gonna make me sick to scuff it and paint the tanks. Polished is just too high maintenance for me plus I want it looking a bit stockish.
Nothing bought today, but sold a '69 427 block
bare block, 2-bolt main, 270 casting, late September '68 date.
LA code 390hp 4spd from an Impala/Caprice/Bel Air/Biscayne
Std bore, cleaned and magnafluxed - crack-free
What are they going for ? $600 to $1000 ?
I had a lot of $1000 offers before it sold. I started at $1500 and accepted $1300.

390hp/4spd non-SS big car suffix is pretty rare. The SS427s had chrome valve covers, so they had a different code.
Now you can buy those skinny wheels.
US wheels still sell a full line of slots for modest prices. I've got them on my jeep...very nice wheels.
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