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“Just Stop Oil” and other climate crazies.


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I see a lot of these shorts on YT, many put out by these lunatics I guess portraying themselves as martyrs as their antics have pushed average sensible people to physicality as they simply try to get to work or home to their families. I don’t see how they think this is winning over anyone but other lunatics.


I feel like Vice should have disabled comments on this video. They are 100% in favor of the law.

This is how you do it. Drag them off the street.

In general they seem very pacifist (the protestors). They just stand there in their weenie orange vests and when they get pushed out of the way, they just wander back like zombies.
I’m waiting for us to start getting some of this, but I’m afraid there’s gonna be blood if there is. These people would piss off some diesel bros, thugs, gang members or other hot heads. With legal firearms, it’s be extremely dangerous to start this shit here
I'm sure it'll be far less tolerated here in the US and you're right that it'll end up with violence, but until extreme measures are taken these idiots will continue. It'll only take 1 death for it to become real and it'll be bad all around. I'm not a pacifist, and for fear of losing my temper I'd not involve myself, but if in a situation where it was life and death (as in blocking an ambulance while they are trying to save a life), all bets are off.

I feel like Vice should have disabled comments on this video. They are 100% in favor of the law.
He wasn't even hit by the truck. He was pushed over the rail by other so called "protesters".
I agree, surprising the didn't disable the comments.

This is how you do it. Drag them off the street.

In general they seem very pacifist (the protestors). They just stand there in their weenie orange vests and when they get pushed out of the way, they just wander back like zombies.
I’m waiting for us to start getting some of this, but I’m afraid there’s gonna be blood if there is. These people would piss off some diesel bros, thugs, gang members or other hot heads. With legal firearms, it’s be extremely dangerous to start this shit here
The difference to me is, those climate freaks are like brain dead zombies just laying there getting dragged away and the Burn Loot Riot freaks are just waiting for someone to step in so can go full on monkey battle.
Afraid it's well beyond that point. Gonna take alot more than zip ties and stun guns to get their loser mentality in check.
There are several things that can be used against these idiots:

This bus driver gets a thumbs up from me

Somewhere in the first 15-30 seconds of the video, a man’s voice is heard saying “if you sit down in front of it…if you sit down in front of it…”

Hey MFer, how about you sit down in front of it!
They are "Dead certain" that no one would dare harm them in any way. ;) :rolleyes:
Of course if they keep this sort of STUPID going the splatter is inevitable.
The grease-spot will be a martyr to the cause, the driver will be guilty in the press before any facts are known.
I am fairly certain they are actually counting on fatalities to bring more attention to their "Cause".
I am also certain they should be stripped of any and all oil derived products they are using on the spot.
Leave them naked and cold with no way home.
Yep, guaranteed these hypocrites used OIL to get there and expect to use it again to get home.
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