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Spark Plug Reading

I have a vac gauge mounted on the hood grill and that’s how it’s adjusted now, I pushed a vac hose through the chrome grill, attached it to the gauge then tie strapped it, looks Red Neck but does what it’s meant to do 👍🙂 my 65 Impala SS had a factory vac gauge
yes VAC gauge for idle just like always. Then when/if you change Pri Jet and Pri and sec Idle Bleeds, Reset Idle like always with vac. Then check AFR. Make more changes with bleeds and jets, reset Idle with Vac, then check AFR
Tomorrow I’m going to put it back inside the car, put the sensor on Drv side then go for a drive 🙂
Looks like I’ll need to get a box of different size Holley parts 👍🙂
Your carb came with front jets 78 and rear 82. Power valve was 4.5.
The primary nozzle was .040 and that's what your spec sheet says it still is.
It may be that something isn't working right ; needle and seat stuck open ?
I would clean it, check the floats, adjust the idle and take readings with the O2 sensor.
That should tell you what needs to be adjusted. I wouldn't buy any parts until you get some readings at idle, cruise and WOT.

So the A/F gauge is more for adjusting for cruise fuel usage ?
These are the ranges you are shooting for.
  • Cruise: 14.7:1 - 15.5:1
  • Idle: 13.5 - 15.0
  • Wide-open throttle: 11.5:1 - 13.3:1
I got these from here :

Your carb came with front jets 78 and rear 82. Power valve was 4.5.
The primary nozzle was .040 and that's what your spec sheet says it still is.
It may be that something isn't working right ; needle and seat stuck open ?
I would clean it, check the floats, adjust the idle and take readings with the O2 sensor.
That should tell you what needs to be adjusted. I wouldn't buy any parts until you get some readings at idle, cruise and WOT.

That spec sheets for the 850 I have not the 1,000 but I’m going to buy a box of different size jets etc and at least try rebuilding the 850 myself but I’m still thinking of having a pro rebuild the 1,000
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