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My '68 Deluxe 300

Paint code please, I think this what I want on my El Camino.
Only problem is, that is so close to the color I am using for the Lotus.
Maybe some stripes would help me?
Paint code please, I think this what I want on my El Camino.
Only problem is, that is so close to the color I am using for the Lotus.
Maybe some stripes would help me?
Factory Color code is K-K. It's called 'Tripoli Turquoise' original GM color for this car in 1968.
Thanx. Not sure the numbers on the 68s, but they're rare also, as most ordered the malibu versions. I do know there are presumed to be 1400 supersport optioned 69s. I owned a '68 hardtop 300 way back when and never thought too much about it, other than it had an odd interior, or one that I wasn't familiar with anyway. Wish I had kept that car.
Thanx. Not sure the numbers on the 68s, but they're rare also, as most ordered the malibu versions. I do know there are presumed to be 1400 supersport optioned 69s. I owned a '68 hardtop 300 way back when and never thought too much about it, other than it had an odd interior, or one that I wasn't familiar with anyway. Wish I had kept that car.
Probably Buick interior, Union workers Strike ?
No, it was strictly chevelle 300, the seats, door panels, headliner, visors, and rubber floor mat. The '71, '72 Heavy Chevy was a non-malibu model and had it's own interior lacking the simple creature comforts. So many small details that make these cars so unique.
In the early 70's guy that lived behind us bought a cpl year old 71 or 72 HC and I think that was the first time I seen a car without carpet, manual floor shift but not sure if it was a 3 or 4 spd and don't remember the engine size, IIRC it was Green with the HC side stripes, this was around 1974 or 75
There was a trend largely speared by the price of insurance especially on young men who owned big engines in sporty cars.....and the HC, Olds Rally, and Buick 350 GS were results of that. The '69 SS 300 post car was a way of cheating the index on the drag strip since it's weight was a body weight less than a malibu. I suspect a greater number of those cars were the L78 versions, but that's just my opinion and the "experts" don't necessarily follow that line of reasoning.
In the same time period my good friends older brother bought a IIRC 71 T-37 or GT-37 it was Gold with side stripes, no carpet IIRC and a 4spd but I can’t remember engine in it either but rode around in it the few times my friend had it, it was pretty fast for back then
Nice Rick, and I forgot about the T37, and the GT37 was basically a Tempest with GTO options including the 455 in '70. That car was probably a surprise to the street crowd. GM made these models uniform in all divisions, with the same goals apparently......win the insurance game while making them affordable to the young crowd. Stripes were probably the best band for the buck from the marketing standpoint.
No, it was strictly chevelle 300, the seats, door panels, headliner, visors, and rubber floor mat. The '71, '72 Heavy Chevy was a non-malibu model and had it's own interior lacking the simple creature comforts. So many small details that make these cars so unique.
I was able to establish that my '68 Deluxe 2dr Pilar Coupe car was in fact optioned with the 'Oldsmobile Alternative' interior from the factory in Fremont Ca. Union worker strike would make sense. I was unaware of that part. Thank you, Shovelrick. I know that pattern was unobtainable when it came time to redo the seats and door panels.
Now that's something I've never seen before, probably because it's so rare to see. It's somewhat common to see the malibu interior swapped out for buick or olds interior in those few months of the strike but I've never seen the 300 series using anything but chevelle stuff. Cool.
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