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Black Friday Deals

Not sure how long this is going on for but this is a great deal. 2 pack of angle grinders for $30. People say Porter Cable isn’t what it used to be but this is HF kind of price.
I see angle grinders as disposable. I must have 8 or 9 of them. 1 dies, I buy another, but this is like a 2 fer.
Yup. I’ve got a “good” angle grinder for real grinding and running a cup style wire wheel.

For spinning a cutoff wheel, flap disc, and paint stripping discs, cheap angle grinders are great and last a long time.
Last 4.5” angle grinder I bought was 7-8 yrs ago, Makita that was a rental tool at the local Home Depot and it still works like new and I’ve cut holes in block walls, cut steel etc and I use my tools a lot, think I paid $25? Look for rental tools for sale at your local home building supply as long as they don’t look worn out or abused you can get deals if you don’t mind used, I really didn’t think this would last as long as it has, and can screw the side handle on either side but guessing they’re all like that now, yeah PC use to be commercial grade but IMHO junk now
Old Milwaukees are great, new just sucks. I went through a new peanut grinder Milwaukee in a very short while, bearings.
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