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Black Friday Deals

In 2023, Friday is a woman for sure. Probably black or Latina. And either Friday or her sidekick are either lesbian, gay or trans. And of course the best cops on the force.
Last week I took this one to our girl in Ky, don’t know what it weighs but guessing in the 350-400lbs, Fire rated drywall in the floor, walls & door, her fiancé is going to get some friends help get it up the steps into the house and move around with a new 1,000lb rated furniture dolly I left


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I've helped move TOO many of those, so I never wanted one myself. I keep my just well hidden. Papers I keep in a very small 1 sq. ft. fire safe.
I have a small Brinks safe with important papers inside a big safe, does that make it Double Safe?? :LOL:
It’s a compromise between cost, need, etc. I actually don’t have many guns at all. It’s way bigger than we needed but I did want to get a rifle or two so I wanted something tall. Other than that, it’s just for documents, hand guns, ammo. Not trying to store gold bars or anything.

It’s got 4 approx 3/4 inch bars that secure it from both the door side and from the hinge side. The perimeter of the opening is approx 2x1 tubular steel. I’m not saying it’s Fort Knox and I can’t vouch for how hard it would be to defeat the lock, but if any two guys with a crow bar want to take a run at it, I’ll take my chances. Currently it’s a $500 safe protecting approximately $500 of contents. Lol.
Just remember that the safe body on that one is only 14 gauge steel. It can be broken into with a good axe. I know that people want to save money on stuff, but a safe is where money should be spent. Here is a link to the videos page at Sturdy Safe.

And this link talks about the safe gimmicks from other companies.

Got some ammo at the local sporting goods store. Box of 9mm Luger for 13.99 a box and 525 rounds of .22LR Blazer for $29.99. Cabela’s current price for the same item is $45.
Went to Sam’s club and seen they had Mobile1 oils on sale for $28.45 a 6 pack so bought enough for 1 oil change on my van, truck and Chevelle, Yota changes the RAV4


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Went to Sam’s club and seen they had Mobile1 oils on sale for $28.45 a 6 pack so bought enough for 1 oil change on my van, truck and Chevelle, Yota changes the RAV4
Thanks for the tip ! It's on sale until Monday, so I will pick up at least three 6 packs !
Funny you mention fishing, around 1990 an old friend was going through a divorce and asked me to buy his boat so he didn’t loose it in the D and buy it back later so I said OK But you have to take me out in the Gulf of Mexico and show me how to operate it and we’ll do some fishing so I bring my rod & reel for Redfish and other smaller type fish, he brings a rod about 3/4” thick with a reel the size of a Wheel Barrow wheel 😂 and I didn’t think anything of it lol, about an hour under the Sunshine Skyway bridge he gets a hit that starts circling the 16’ Trihull boat so we ended up taking turns pulling what we thought was a fairly large Stingray but found it was a Hammerhead Shark 2/3 the length of the boat, he tied the 160# SS leader to a Klee on the side of the boat, I said You’re NOT bringing that inside this boat!! so he started telling me he was going to get a rope around the tail and we’ll drag it backwards to drown it then cut it up into steaks, while he’s trying to talk me into this crap the shark got its strength back and made a big tug on the leader and broke free, I told my friend when he first caught that thing “you should’ve told me what you were going to fish for I’d of brought a gun along” 😆 he never did buy that boat back but I had some fun on it
This story of a friend trusting you to take his boat during a divorce is why we all admire you so much.
Who has a friend they can trust like this ?
And I am not kidding when I say most people on this forum are just like you.
That's why I keep coming back here.
ALL of the regulars are good and decent people who have succeeded in life and don't want to take anything they didn't earn themselves.
Just an observation. I don't know where that came from but you guys are the best !
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