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Black Friday Deals

This story of a friend trusting you to take his boat during a divorce is why we all admire you so much.
Who has a friend they can trust like this ?
And I am not kidding when I say most people on this forum are just like you.
That's why I keep coming back here.
ALL of the regulars are good and decent people who have succeeded in life and don't want to take anything they didn't earn themselves.
Just an observation. I don't know where that came from but you guys are the best !
Thank You Beth 🙂
Never hurts to have a spare battery tender 👍🙂 made by Intertek who also makes Gree mini splits and Lennox ac & heating equipment, they make a Lot of good stuff, little surprised no ground prong


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There's a sale through monday, 15% on the interior for the vette.......they're closed till monday and I refuse to order online for such a large order. Let's see if they answer the phone tomorrow????
Where are you ordering from?
I ordered some stuff on sale from OPGI but as usual their discounts were modest.
Where are you ordering from?
I ordered some stuff on sale from OPGI but as usual their discounts were modest.
Beware of OPGI which will take your payment for someting that is out of stock !
I have had a Rosewood steering wheel on order for 18 months !
They took my money, mailed me a center cap/horn button and I'm still waiting for the wheel !
I’m not either but I don’t have a real favorite.
How is Year One still in business charging 10% more for the exact same products? I hate NPDs website and it didn’t look like they had any sales when I was looking.
I’m not either but I don’t have a real favorite.
How is Year One still in business charging 10% more for the exact same products? I hate NPDs website and it didn’t look like they had any sales when I was looking.
I like them all but I will call and ask if something is in stock before ordering.
With my Lotus head at HBR to be paid for soon, a set of MG Midget pistons on order, and a block to be bored, "Black Friday" sales are irrelevant to me.
I spent well over $3K just at a supplier that uses a fender emblem as a name, bought a 68 eyebrow molding set for $100+ but was over 1 year before trying to use them, called and explained and I understood I had the parts too long, asked if it was still an issue and assured it wasn’t so I reordered,,,,same BS parts so called them up and gal laughed when I explained then she laughed and said “And you ordered from us again laughing” I’ll never spend another Red Cent there, Oh they did refund my $ on the 2nd order and sent a return label
Until tomorrow Hulu with commercials is .99 per Month for 12 months. Regular price is 7.99IMG_2807.png
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