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Local Yokal gives me a parking ticket


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Senior Member
Should I fight it? there are some errors on the ticket, like where it says I was parked. My street clearly was marked and where I was parked but the cop has in down on the cross street where parking is legal all the time on both sides, which is a clear error on the ticket. I also have picture proof of over 50 parking violations in the past 2 years that they never tag any of these and other people for the same thing. I just went in to get something and zoned out for a few minutes and instead of coming to my door and saying "you can't park there" the ass give me a ticket. I see he never signed the ticket either. What say you?
Called to see if they would rescind the ticket but haven't heard back from them, so it will go into the system and I'll set up a court date to plead not guilty of here he claims I parked as the street he listed had no parking restrictions on it. My street does but he claims I parked on the other street. Hope he shows up so I can waste his day and it just more fun for me. I respect the cops where I live but I don't like the current batch of Sgt. Sit Mores and Detective Doo Littles we have.
If he had you listed as a place other than where you really were I’d be shocked if you
didn’t win. A picture of your car would
Have helped likely but it’s too late for that.
If he had you listed as a place other than where you really were I’d be shocked if you
didn’t win. A picture of your car would
Have helped likely but it’s too late for that.
If the cop shows in court I am going to ask him point blank "is this where my car was parked when you tagged it officer?" if he says yes then I will ask that the ticket be tossed out on his statement because that street has no parking restrictions at all placed on it.
The cop will probably show up in court. That is part of their job. If the cop gives a reason why they can't make it, the judge will just move the case to the cops next court day.
In Kansas, the cop does not have to sign a parking ticket. If you have a few bucks to burn, you could call a traffic lawyer and he could tell you if your case would be favorable to you.
So, looks like I have to call the county and set up a meeting with a referee for an initial look see at the ticket. I am going to ask he or she if the officer said my car was really parked on the cross street as it's listed on the ticket. If they come back and say "yes it is" then I will ask for a dismissal based on the fact that the cross street has no parking restrictions on it, and the officer wrote that in error. I will bring pictures of the cross street I have on my phone I took the next day. If not the ticket is only $37 bucks. I am not sure what the court costs would be if I decide to fight it, sometimes you just get phuked.:ROFLMAO:
I've never been hit with court costs for traffic fines, but it's been decades since I've contested anything. And the last time I did get a ticket it was a photo radar in a drop speed zone when the lower speed sign was hidden by a tree limb. After going in to "traffic court" they informed me it'd all be through correspondence, as in person traffic court isn't a thing anymore. I said f it and just paid the reduced fine and moved on. My principles are compromised, I get it.
I've never been hit with court costs for traffic fines, but it's been decades since I've contested anything. And the last time I did get a ticket it was a photo radar in a drop speed zone when the lower speed sign was hidden by a tree limb. After going in to "traffic court" they informed me it'd all be through correspondence, as in person traffic court isn't a thing anymore. I said f it and just paid the reduced fine and moved on. My principles are compromised, I get it.

No, your principals are not compromised, you just clearly recognize the value of your time.

I haven't had an traffic/parking infraction in 15+ years, but the last time I did it was for red light cameras catching me rolling through red lights making a right turn on red. I had no less than 5 and no more than 10 total, and I didn't give a shit and just paid the ticket as I didn't have time to waste. They've since removed all the red ight cameras, but not before I modified my driving habits to come to a stop, count to 5, and then go, so in a sense I guess it was good as I've avoided a few accidents from speeding drivers.
So there is no one down at the local traffic court anymore since covid started (f-ing sissies) so I either had to go to traffic court downtown which I hate or do a Zoom call with a court referee, so that's what I am doing 1st. Seems the chief in our city was not to happy when I called and left her a shit-o-gram and made it known at the council meeting. Hell, had I known that I would have gone down there to tell her off in person. She is the same POS cop that called my cell one day to argue with me about an issue in the city, then when I said to her "if I get to be mayor you and I are going to sit down and have a long talk together" that fat cow took that as a threat, lol. I told her to take me to court and I'll laugh you out of there in front of the judge for wasting his time with that one:ROFLMAO:
Pretty funny today, so for the last week I have taken pictures of the USPS carriers parking on the "no parking side of my street" well one of the crybaby carriers must have complained as the Postal cops came to my door today and asked why I was taking their pictures. told the guy "it's not illegal to take photos of anyone or anything here and this is still America with 1at amendment rights" he agreed. He then asked if I had a beef with the carriers and I told him "no no problems at all, but they are parking in a no parking zone and should be ticketed like I was as laws are for all not just the few" He said he was going to talk with his supervisor "blah blah blah" and would get back to me. I wished him a nice day, lol. Sometimes I think we live in a Communist nation.:unsure:
Has my meeting today with big old leftist hearing officer, what a total waste of my day. When I asked where the cop said where I was parked when tagged she told me what it said on the ticket as the cop had put down, where there are no parking restrictions. She told me now I have to have a meeting with the City lawyer so they can decide what to do here. For sure I am going to ask the atty. "how much time and money do you think this will cost the city in revenue so we can meet in court over this?" The look on her face when I told the woman there were no parking restrictions where I was tagged was priceless, she know it's an error on the cop not doing his job. Damn, I fell like Perry Mason today:ROFLMAO:
Well, here's the final outcome on this. I got a hearing date and the prosecutor on the case asked me what happened. I 1st asked where the officer had me tagged and after he looked at the ticket on his end he told me the same address. I then asked him "you're 100% sure that's where I was tagged?" he responded "yes 100%" so I then asked, if he could dismiss that ticket based upon the fact that there are no parking restrictions on the block. He then told me "well you were parked by a "no parking sign" but again I said "not where the officer tagged me, and that's an error on the ticket" at that point I said "I really don't want to take this before a Judge, but I will as I think it's an error but I bet he or she doesn't like dealing with stuff this small, so that's where I'm at. After 30 sec. or so he said, "I am going to cut you a break today and dismiss the ticket for you" and he was gone. The clerk came back and was changing the data on my file to dismissed, so I finally won a case today. About 3:45 I was in my driveway and a cop rolled by my house slowly today and I am pretty sure it was the guy that wrote me the citation. I just waved at him, LOL.
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