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Local Yokal gives me a parking ticket

My principles are compromised, I get it.
I don't think so. My time is valuable as is yours.
Pay it, forget about it and move on.
AT&T once stole $300 from me when they made an accounting error.
Was I going to take them to small claims court after spending hours on the phone trying to get any manager to speak to ?
Nope. They screwed me but they lost a customer.
I don't think so. My time is valuable as is yours.
Pay it, forget about it and move on.
AT&T once stole $300 from me when they made an accounting error.
Was I going to take them to small claims court after spending hours on the phone trying to get any manager to speak to ?
Nope. They screwed me but they lost a customer.
Not for me, they made the error, I just pointed it out to them. Pays to read the fine print.
I treat each case uniquely, and if I feel it's worth my effort to shove it down their throat, I'll step up......and the more dickheads there are in the younger generations, the more I lean that way.
You'd have to raise the price to $500+ to get me into small claims court.
I'm not really sure $500 is enough.
Fighting jackasses is not good for my mental health !
I had a roommate when I was 20 that routinely went to small claims, he being the plaintiff. I never saw him lose, and he seemed to always be in the right imo.
I've never gone to small claims, but have had my attorneys address problems I've had all without having to go to court. I myself don't want to waste time in court and would rather have someone in the legal profession handle it.

When I was a road warrior in the late 90's I was involved in an accident in Chicago where a tractor trailer driver took a right hand turn from the left lane and cut me off and I totaled a brand new Mazda 626 into the tractor cab. State police showed up and gave both of us tickets (it was clearly his fault), and I told my company to hire an attorney to represent me and fight it (which they did) and I never went to court. The ticket was dropped, the company who owned the tractor trailer fired the guy, claimed responsibility for the accident, they went bankrupt and Hertz tried to sue me for the car. Attorney took care of that too.
I've never gone to small claims, but have had my attorneys address problems I've had all without having to go to court. I myself don't want to waste time in court and would rather have someone in the legal profession handle it.

When I was a road warrior in the late 90's I was involved in an accident in Chicago where a tractor trailer driver took a right hand turn from the left lane and cut me off and I totaled a brand new Mazda 626 into the tractor cab. State police showed up and gave both of us tickets (it was clearly his fault), and I told my company to hire an attorney to represent me and fight it (which they did) and I never went to court. The ticket was dropped, the company who owned the tractor trailer fired the guy, claimed responsibility for the accident, they went bankrupt and Hertz tried to sue me for the car. Attorney took care of that too.
Fuck Hertz!!
IMO even if it's just $20 if you're Right & they're wrong fight it, otherwise they'll keep Comfortably Fucking people and not give a shit
C'mon. You're going to waste a day at work making $1000+ to fight a $20 fine ?
The older I get, the less I respect the police, politicians, etc.
Democrats and corrupt liberal judges control all of the cities. Good luck in changing that !
C'mon. You're going to waste a day at work making $1000+ to fight a $20 fine ?
The older I get, the less I respect the police, politicians, etc.
Democrats and corrupt liberal judges control all of the cities. Good luck in changing that !
I let a $300 fine from the county Const lic. Board slide when I got a fine for Abandon mechanical permit after I had a Mech inspection and passed but I also had Electric attached so I could legally move an ac disco from 1 side of a 6’ fence to the other side but forgot to get that part inspected, mech inspector said it looked fine but don’t forget to get it inspected, I did forget but the main permit passed inspection, I thought “I’m too busy to go in front of The Board so I’ll just pay the $300 Strong Arm Robbery Fee, and really regretted doing that, wish I’d fought it since I really didn’t Abandon the permit, I’ve told the gals behind the counter there Why don’t you guys go Screw with Unlicensed guys doing Contracting and got Total Silence
C'mon. You're going to waste a day at work making $1000+ to fight a $20 fine ?
The older I get, the less I respect the police, politicians, etc.
Democrats and corrupt liberal judges control all of the cities. Good luck in changing that !
You made a $1000+/day?
You made a $1000+/day?

I did, and most times a bit more (not bragging, but in IT and owning the company I made great profits). When I was still working full time, my rate was $180 per hour.

That's why I had attorneys handle my stuff, but they were also my clients, so they did it as a favor for me. I "took care" of them, and they "took care" of me.
I had a guy sue me in small claims court back in the 70's and I knew I should not have done work or sold anything to this guy. When we went before the judge he explained why I should have given him his money back for a car I sold him that he blew the engine the 1st day:eek: he had the car. Well when It was my turn, I had a witness that followed the guy home and told the judge that he never shifted the car out of 1st gear all the way home lol. After that I showed the judge the Bill of Sale and it clearly said sold "AS-IS". At that point it was over and the judge found the case in my favor. Man was that clown pissed off.
Also being perfectly honest, I didn't (and still don't) piss money away or flaunt it. I'm just a regular guy that wears a t-shirt and shorts (most of them with holes in them). I refer to myself as a frugal Jew (I'm Catholic though). I spend money wisely and don't live high on the hog.
I also live modestly. I wear jeans or sweats & t-shirts. I believe wealth should not be seen. I like nice things, but don't flaunt it. I drive pickup trucks that are just average. Nothing fancy. I'm not Jewish either. I'm a unmolested Catholic alter boy.
I could run really fast when I was younger. :)
2001 chev, and still get compliments on it........from a select crowd. I aint rich, never even wanted to be rich, but I feel rich, since I've got lots of time to do whatever I want.
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