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Land Rover?

I spent a year of my career in the car business with Jag and Rover, I WOULD NOT ALLOW ANYONE I KNOW TO BUY ONE! I WOULD WARN JOE BIDEN AND NANCY PELOSI BOTH AGAINST BUYING ONE, THATS HOW HORRIBLE THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!! All caps for a reason. Even human garbage like those two does not deserve the grief that goes along with Land Rover ownership, if that tells you anything..
Ah, I have owned seven Land Rovers and still have a 101 FC Missile Carrier.
I kick myself daily for letting my tricked out LR 88" get away.
I have also owned six Jaguars and kick myself twice a day for letting go of them.
Particularly the XK-120, XK-140, XKE's.
NONE were crap, they are just cars that require owners who have not already been spoiled by modern cars that "Adjust" themselves for wear.
My El Camino is getting a solid lifter engine with four Webers, so I suppose having to keep tabs on the valves and carb linkage will make it horrible too? 🤔

The only reason I would not recommend a classic Rover or Jag to the libtards is that they do not deserve anything so nice.
Yes the modern versions are ruined just like everything else, the Gov. Org. started taking over design around 1970 and it has been downhill ever since.


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This is a buddy's xke, not pristine but great vintage shape. It's a unique and visceral feeling to cruise around in that thing. He's got talent and keeps it all in check. I think he paid $25k for this no more than a year ago, so he did very well.


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This is a buddy's xke, not pristine but great vintage shape. It's a unique and visceral feeling to cruise around in that thing. He's got talent and keeps it all in check. I think he paid $25k for this no more than a year ago, so he did very well.
I always thought those are beautiful cars, Lucas wiring & electronics? I had a 55 & 57 Triumph MC’s and Hated the electrical on them, put a magneto on the 57 and a battery eliminator on the 55, maybe both been a very long timeon
As far as I know everything is still oem lucas stuff. I asked him once if he was afraid of it, and his response assured me he'd be true to it's heritage. It's kind of an interesting buy story.........he drove a couple hundred miles answering a lead from a friend, then he was swinging the deal and the seller was on the phone in the house. When he returned Cary said he was happy with the car and laid out the cash, full amount. The seller said to him with an honest tone, that if he'd offer him any less than asking price he'd have told him to head back down the highway. He had offers come in well above that price, so he wasn't going to bend. Cary knows a deal, and he's straight up. That rewarded him an XKE.
Worked on a couple, owned an '01 D2 for awhile...

Did a lot of work to that pos.
I only own two American cars.
The 68 EC and a 97 Blunderbird DD.
But I have a LOT of British and a couple of Italian cars.
Maybe I cheat in that none are newer than 1974?
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