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Mike Tyson to fight Jake Paul.

Just saw a pic of Tyson that shows he has a Che! tattoo on his belly.
Eff him, I hope he gets killed.
No tolerance for 'Tards who exhibit Che! clothing or tats.
Took me a minute to remember who Tyson is, yep, he's a still a loser.
Never heard of the other guy, he looks like a looser too.
Just saw a pic of Tyson that shows he has a Che! tattoo on his belly.
Eff him, I hope he gets killed.
No tolerance for 'Tards who exhibit Che! clothing or tats.
Took me a minute to remember who Tyson is, yep, he's a still a loser.
Never heard of the other guy, he looks like a looser too.
Not only that...
No one should ever confuse Mike with a smart guy. Che t-shirts have always been required uniform amongst lefty posers who want to pretend they’re deep and care about mankind. It’s pretty much a guarantee that if you asked them about Che, they know nothing. Give Mike a break, he’s been hit in the head a lot.
Exactly, never forget Mike's shortcomings. He was a bull in the ring, and has created a following on alternative media but he's puddy and that makes him a pussy imo.
I remember him now.
Started as a street brawler thug and never really left that behind.
Resorted to biting an ear, not exactly pro behavior.
Should have been tossed out of boxing on the spot!
Even before Tyson entered the ring professionally, it was clear to me his IQ was on the lower side, and couple that with his manager and trainer taking advantage of that, he's never had a clear head. I remember when I lived in CT he'd bought this huge multi million dollar estate and through his lack of control and ability to manage his money, went bankrupt and lost everything.

Now I don't watch boxing as I believe it's idiotic to beat the shit out of someone just to prove you can, and when it was reported he bit Holyfield's ear off I lost any respect I may have had for Tyson.
I hope this isn’t just a paycheck and he takes it seriously and trains hard because I don’t want to see Iron MFin’ Mike Tyson get punked by some YouTube pretty boy.
Unless he’s really let himself go, Tyson was still a brick shithouse the last time I saw him. Hoping he’s got that George Foreman old man strength and those 25# of cast iron fists.

I think Jake Paul has been trying to decide if he’s a boxer, an MMA guy or a WWE wrestler. He’s done all 3. Some of his matches were odd. Fighting former NBA player, fighting MMA guy Nate Diaz, but at boxing not MMA. His boxing record is 9-1 but his last 2 boxing matches were described as “journeyman.”
Iron Mike will put that youtube young guy down, I would say within the first 3 rounds but they’re getting paid a lot I’d guess so they might make a longer fight/show, if it’s real the younger guy will go down fairly quick
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