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Planet Fitness


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When I was younger I went to a gym. They were nothing like these places are now.
Fuckin attention whores. WTF do you need to shave at the gym for?? Other than attention.
I haven't belonged to a gym in several years but I saw the majority of those who attended using it as a social platform. That's fine, but the normal scene was a few gathered and holding a conversation while eye fucking everything in sight.....that was just not cool. My buddy belonged to the same gym and literally used it to shower and hang out. He'd come over and chat, but you never saw that guy break sweat. This is why some folks just plug their buds in and ignore the world.
I never hung around that long. Got there at 6am, did my routine, showered and out the door. Hardly anyone at 6am.
Never went to a gym, not a fan of working out, if I want to work out I do yard work.

In college I climbed on the roof of the gym more than I was in it, I think I went in there three times in 4 years
Only gym I ever went to was in high school didn't like it then wouldn't like it now.
My neighbor used to run all the time & looked like he was in excruciating pain, I told him your knees are going to be wore out soon (nope) he hit 65 & had to have both knees replaced.
Planet Fitness has always been run by assholes.

They have a “no judgement zone” where they harshly judge people who actually want to work out instead of prance around and eat pizza.
I always considered "runners" to be too unskilled to actually play sports.
All they can do is run. Not for me.
I played golf , tennis, volleyball and basketball and don't have any problems (today LOL).
I think the fatties who are inactive have the most problems !
I always considered "runners" to be too unskilled to actually play sports.
All they can do is run. Not for me.
I played golf , tennis, volleyball and basketball and don't have any problems (today LOL).
I think the fatties who are inactive have the most problems !
I loathed team sports in High School, I played golf and hated every second of it because 1: I suck at it and 2: My father tried to force me to play and I have no interest in that stupid waste of time. I played some JV basketball, sat on the bench one season, never played again. Little league, hated that too, jumped over the outfield fence and went home.
I was a long distance cyclist, no school affiliation just did it on my own.

I never encouraged or forced my kids to do sports, they did it on their own. I told them I could care less if they played or not because I saw no value in listening to asshole coaches.
In the wake of their recent troubles, PF doubles down on their woke DEI stance by hiring a CEO with a long history of being a fan of DEI.
Hope they go broke.

The article details some of their issues. On a separate thread I linked an article where a creep in NC was arrested after exposing himself to women and girls in the locker room and claiming to be trans. Sounds like he has no history of claiming to be trans prior to that incident. To the credit of NC, he was held on $25k bond. In NY you can damn near murder someone and be released without bond, literally.
Looks like their new member sign ups have dropped significantly and they are going to raise their rates By 50% to compensate.

I’m sure their new CEO will guide them through this for sure 🤣
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