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Anybody Else getting bombarded with email and postal mail for mortgage refinance offers?


We don't have a mortgage (build this place with cash), but man, I'm getting hammered with no less than 20 emails a day for mortgage refinance offers, and at least 3 to 4 letters a day.

Enough already. If I wanted your money, I would have asked for it.

On top of that I keep getting postal mail from all around the nation of companies or individuals trying to buy my land at like half the value of the land vacant.

I suppose we'll have to get an appraisal done at some point to get homeowners insurance, but that hasn't really been a priority. A few real estate agents have already stopped by inquiring if we wanted to sell (to which the latest one I told no, not at this time), but 2 of the agents put a number out there at between $675k to $750k, so I'm wondering how much homeowners will be.
I was getting lots of calls a few years ago and I got so fed up I was going to shut my cell phone off, but Lisa said no because either she or the kids might need to get ahold of me, and my old clients had given my number out as well, so I did the next best thing.... changed my cell number. Things went relatively quiet after that (although I still get some garbage calls, but maybe only 5% of what I was getting).
When I bring in the mail, I stand close to the trash can. No mortgage, no emails, just an occasional letter wanting to buy. Never get anything for the farm.
Hell, who'd want to live in Kansas anyway.

Edit: I never answer the phone except if I know who's calling. I don't even answer the front door unless I know.
Constant calls, texts, emails, and letters. ALL at work at least 4 - 5 times a day. I dont have a land line at home.Mostly at the beginning of the month.
I don't answer the phone and my cell seems to know when a scammer is calling. I displays "scam likely" and doesn't even ring. (y)
I get calls on my cell phone a few times a week, 1 today, I either Yell Very loudly No! And don’t call back!! or the 1 Million $ answer, depends on my mood 😂
Still get routine calls from the ivermectin idiot from Pakistan.....and realty and window beggers in the mailbox.
He changes his number and typically uses local area codes....it usually comes up as a verified number. I've called him on it a couple times and was EXTREMELY blunt but the little fucker just keeps at it.
Here's a trick that'll probably work....

When he calls tell him you're glad he's called because there was a problem with the ivermectin.... muffle the phone just a little and say out loud, "Start the trace"..... see how long he stays on the phone after that.
Are you sure no family member went on one of those "lending tree" sites and requested info ?
Everytime I've ever wanted to know what the current mortgage rate is, if you give them your email, you will get barraged with offers.
I blocked that guy (ivermectin) long ago..... His name was Steve..... how many Pakistani guys over there are named "Steve"? I still get junk emails from them though.
Can't blame a guy for wanting to make a buck ! LOL
I placed my 4th or 5th order yesterday. I've never been shorted by those Indian guys. ( knock on wood ! )
YES!! All the time. My FIL lives next door, always get calls about buying his house.

Oh, there is a guy in town with my name, just a different middle name. He put in applications for business financing and I have been getting hounded for a year buy financiers.
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