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Pumping Gas, How Not To!!


Veteran Member
Senior Member
The Gas pump is Not for washing the car! I didn’t get my cam on quick enough to catch the older guy spraying gas everywhere but you can imagine since the large puddle they’re standing in Is Not water


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Doesn't surprise me on the lazy attendant. I'm of the opinion these dead end jobs of today are staffed by occupiers with 0 given, 0 received, void of any ambition. I make a point of just working around them. When I'm proven wrong, I acknowledge it probably more than most would.........bonus points for doing that in front of their fellow drones.
When we lived in Weeki Wachee we saw all kinds of things that'd make you question the IQ of the greater populous. Lisa and I were on our way home from somewhere, stopped at a gas station, and while filling up Lisa's Escape watched a lady drive away with the nozzle still in the car ripping it off the pump. I stood there in awe of the sheer stupidity, but what makes it even worse is people were yelling at her and she just drove away. A few minutes later when we pulled up to the next light is when we were dumbfounded as we watched that same lady get out of her car and pulled the nozzle out of the tank, close the gas door and drop the nozzle right in the intersection and drove away. We had no words. Lisa and I just looked at each other and nothing came out.
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