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Gas will Be $4 where I live by Memorial Day

If only there were some way the United States could get oil without having to pay evil dictators and terrorist regimes...

This is truly amongst the most idiotic, self inflicted problems we've ever faced. HIs stance seems to we won't start drilling for oil now because it won't fix our problems right now. Right, but it can fix our problems in the future and we all agree it will be a problem in 6 months and 12 months and 24 months etc. "I can't afford a new phone right now, so why get a job?"

Their stance is also that getting off Russian oil today won't make Putin withdraw from Ukraine. Right, so I guess there is absolutely no reason at all to stop sending Russia millions of dollars.
His stance on these issues is so stupid is maddening.
I just paid $4.05 here this morning for regular.

Yesterday I filled up the Chevelle at $4.41 for 93 Non-eth
Diesel at $4.25
I will not buy anymore Shell gas as the company just admitted they bought oil form Russia.
I will not buy anymore Shell gas as the company just admitted they bought oil form Russia.
You wonder why? At $28.00 a barrel?
But, I`ll bet they wont apply that discount at the pump.
Well I was wrong. We hit $4.00 gas today, I filled the beater truck up at Costco for $3.35 but that won't last long I think. Hardly anyone there at 6AM.
HUGE Jump in prices over night here from yesterday
Yesterday / Today
REG. $4.05 / $4.25
SUP. $ / $4.72
93 Non-eth $4.41 / $4.75
Diesel $4.25 /$4.99
I haven't been by a gas station since Saturday, but I suspect I'll see the same type of increase.

Thanks Brandon. Damn toadstool.
FUCKTARD & Crew are pushing hard for GREEN energy, they WANT high gas prices and thinking people will just run out ant buy EV's, I just looked out my window to the backyard and don't see any $$$ trees out there and if there was or I had more $ than I knew what to do with I still wouldn't get rid of my ICE machines, These White House Occupiers are in LaLa Land, Sleepy Joe's going to go Kiss Ass with Terrorists to use our $$$ to buy their oil...Way to go FUCKTARD! :mad:
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