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Gas will Be $4 where I live by Memorial Day

Agreed. For some reason the big 3 thought gas prices would remain low. They never learn from their mistakes. Same crap happened in the 1970's and 1980's.

Arrogance, plain and simple. The rest of the world suffers from high gas prices and they have built cars that are fuel efficient, but US automakers see bigger profits in bigger vehicles and the lower gas prices and what the public wants has dictated what they build.

It will come back to bite them in the ass and either you adjust your business plan, or go belly up.
GM can go to hell with the overpriced 90K junkpile trucks they sell, after the sale there is poor customer support in the repair dept. to fix problems. I get job offers all the time to come back to work, the dealers sure do not like my reply to them, hell I'm not working for them anymore so I don't care what I say to them. If you want a small car Mitsu, Hyundai and Kia have good small cars but like everything else now, they're not cheap either. This is just another cars of history repeating itself.
1970's small GM. Many divisions had their own

Vega, Astre,
Monza, Sunbird, Starfire, Sky Hawk
Chevette, T1000
When we were 16 my buddy would take his mom's chevette out and we had this particular railroad crossing we would go over at about 35mph. We would get that thing 2-3 feet off the ground.

There’s never been a problem the Dems couldn’t fix through raising taxes and giving out handouts.

Of course..... as long as it doesn't come out of their pockets.... they are happy to spend other people's money. Fucktards.
I heard Gavin Newsome plans on sending California residents with cars a $400 debit card to make up for high gas prices. Up to two cards per family.
I heard that he also plans to send them to electric car owners. For what? They dont buy gas. “But electricity costs more for them to charge their cars.” Does it? I’m sure it’s up, but is it as much as gas is up (I don’t know the answer)? And electricity to charge your car is not different than electricity to heat your home or run your light. So why do car owners get $$ but not bus riders and bikers? Those people are still paying higher electricity prices. It’s not just EV electricity that’s more expensive.

More liberal idiocy. “You’re a victim, so here’s some money,” but no effort to fix the problem. Just throw around money.
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