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Building Our Barndominium

Got some stuff done today..... finally got definition from the county for the apron at the road.... 44' at the road, 15' radius', and minimum for 14' wide driveway. County wanted 6" of limerock, so I installed 12". Project done (I paid the local guy Mike who's been doing work for me with his skidsteer), and the two 18 yard loads of limerock came to $800. Mike's cost was $600.

I have to have lots of light and can't stick weld for shit ! Only MIG for me LOL
I'm with you, have to turn my light lense to 9.5 anymore and everything in the cosmos has be perfect to follow a crack more than an inch at a time. I was always just average or worse tig welding.....then I had to do about 20 ft of 18ga stainless tig on a rooftop. My welds never looked better and it was all do to the light.
I'll admit as I've gotten older it's harder to see, and I refuse to get glasses and only use off the shelf readers. As luck would have it my auto darkening mask shit the bed on the last weld, so I'm looking for a good one now.

I bought a hobo freight hood and have no worries.....except for the shame. Call a welding shop and quiz them.
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