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Building Our Barndominium

I called the manufacturer today and got the same exact story (almost verbatim). She (the scheduling girl) said because of the hurricane they got a rash of orders to fix buildings and fell behind, so they are backed up producing.

I asked why can't they fit me in between and her response was my building is new and they need to fix other buildings first. I then quoted the contract (which I read the fine print yesterday) and said, okay, I understand, the contract states you have up to 12 weeks to install the building. If the building is late 1 day, I'll be subtracting $1k per day you are late. She said I can't do that to which I responded, I think you'd better check with your attorney, because my attorney said I had every right and he could win it in court. She didn't like that and hung up the phone.

Not sure where it stands now, but we'll see.
I like your style. 👍
I called the manufacturer today and got the same exact story (almost verbatim). She (the scheduling girl) said because of the hurricane they got a rash of orders to fix buildings and fell behind, so they are backed up producing.

I asked why can't they fit me in between and her response was my building is new and they need to fix other buildings first. I then quoted the contract (which I read the fine print yesterday) and said, okay, I understand, the contract states you have up to 12 weeks to install the building. If the building is late 1 day, I'll be subtracting $1k per day you are late. She said I can't do that to which I responded, I think you'd better check with your attorney, because my attorney said I had every right and he could win it in court. She didn't like that and hung up the phone.

Not sure where it stands now, but we'll see.
I used to let people get away with shit like this but after hanging around you guys, I'm getting meaner every day ! :ROFLMAO:
He probably should have offered 10% off just for starters.
Well, on the bright side. That Maple tree has more uses than just looking pretty. 🤠

I bet you're related to this guy ! I think Lisa wants that tree to be nice and peaceful.......

Spent a couple of hours preparing to build Lisa's new grow house, but this one will be built in stages because it'll be much larger than her last one. Her last one was 12' x 20', and the new one (when finished) will be 16' x 48', but the first stage is 16' x 12' and it'll be a home built hoop house using cattle panels.

Then I spent a couple of hours moving logs the tree clearing people never finished in preparation for my son to bring the F250 6.0 to the back of our property, and my brother is bringing the '93 F350 dually 7.3 IDI next week, so I was making some space. The ditch bitch is working machine, but she let's me know when I'm overloading her.....

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