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Building Our Barndominium

When I moved from Oh to Fl in 72 I was 12, we use to hunt rabbit, squirrel & deer in Oh. & Mi., I went hunting a little farther north of here around Brooksville and the grown deer looked like Jr's that needed another season or 2 before hunting them and my dads friend said that's about as big as they get :oops: I didn't shoot anything but some cans lol, squirrels are small around here too But Quail hunting was great in the 70's around here and within riding a bicycle range from where we lived, never seen a good size rabbit down here either
Only part of the deer that's any good IMO is the tenderloins. Their was a guy I worked with that ground a lot of it & made breakfast sausage. That was really good.
Cow & parts of the pig are the best.
BTW lots of those trouble makers around here. Deer that is.
Grinding Venison with ground beef is real good for burgers, meatloaf, meatballs, helps give it some fat to help it stick together when cooking it, in 86 we lived in Grand Rapids Mi. and my 1st wife was from Battle Creek so we was always eating free deer meat and after awhile it gets old so mixing it up with other meats was a great option
So are chickens.
Some are. I had a rooster that became a pet, that sucker was smart. He would come to the back door, peck on it, I would feed him and he would stay on the porch all day. He was old and was picked on. At the end of the day he would go back to the chicken house.

Unfortunately he made a mess on the porch so I made him his own house. He was ill and when I got home from work he waited for me to come home, I paid attention to him and later that evening he died. That rooster was a good bird. Special birds get buried in a special place.
Some are. I had a rooster that became a pet, that sucker was smart. He would come to the back door, peck on it, I would feed him and he would stay on the porch all day. He was old and was picked on. At the end of the day he would go back to the chicken house.

Unfortunately he made a mess on the porch so I made him his own house. He was ill and when I got home from work he waited for me to come home, I paid attention to him and later that evening he died. That rooster was a good bird. Special birds get buried in a special place.

I guess there are exceptions.....
Just got the call for my building installation..... January 11 through the 13th. Something tells me the conversation I had with them about charging them $1k each day they were late struck a nerve.

Lisa is super happy, and once it's installed, I can bust out all my tools from the shipping containers and get to work building out the house (living quarters).
While I was up early this morning checking the heat in Lisa's she shed and turning up the heat for the battle cruiser, I looked on realtor.com and was shocked to see the house we just sold is back up for sale.

I checked and the buyer is getting sentenced January 10 for his involvement in Jan 6th "insurrection" and will be going to jail. Sentencing recommendation is for 75 days in jail, 3 years probation, and community service.

Here's the link:

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