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Building Our Barndominium

Guys aren't messing around. They were here at 6:30 (not even light yet) and they are laying it all out.

They offered to install the windows and doors for $200 each and I told them no thanks, I'll do that myself and save the money.

Would have cost $1,400 for them to install windows and doors.
I'm wondering where my guest bedroom will be? 🤣

I reckon they'll be plenty of room in the shop. I have a bench seat from and old Ford I'll be welding legs onto, so I suppose that can be yours. There is a half bath in the shop, but you'll have to come in to take showers. 😁
They probably get paid a flat fee for erecting the building.
So they will bust their arses to get it done.

The lead guy wants money bad. He was trying to negotiate installing the windows and doors and I told him $100 per window and door and that's the best I'd do, and he said $150 and I said nope. He said he'll do a good job, and I told him, "Yep, I can too. I was doing construction 20 years before you were born." He said, "But your getting older and it'll be tough on you" and I said, "There's snow on the roof, but a big fire still blazing inside, so don't count the old guy out just yet."
Damn, looks like you re getting ready to store the Goodyear blimp!

Like the saying goes: Go big or go home, but truthfully, this is actually scaled down from the first iteration.

The first version was 5,000 sq ft, but Lisa asked me do you really need all that space? She was right, so it's down to 3,000 sq ft total now (1,065 living space, 300 lanai/back porch, and the shop is 1,635).
That's a great size, just big enough to spread out and not too big to condition the air. That old adage of "you can never build too big" of a shop, only applies if you've got money to burn. The wiser move is to add another building specific to your needs.....and if you ever downsize, it works that way too. Looking forward to the slideshow, great progress!!
That's a great size, just big enough to spread out and not too big to condition the air. That old adage of "you can never build too big" of a shop, only applies if you've got money to burn. The wiser move is to add another building specific to your needs.....and if you ever downsize, it works that way too. Looking forward to the slideshow, great progress!!

Exactly. I plan on making bay 1 (far left first bay) for painting, and if things pick up and I do more painting (I've had 6 people ask me to paint their cars already), then I'll build a separate building on the other side of the driveway just for bodywork and painting.
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