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What’d you work on today?

I should’ve noticed that looking at the pics of the rotors, small phone, old eyes is my Excuse 😁

Ummm, you're just like the rest of us Rick, eyes are going bad (along with everything else) and can't see shit anymore.

YOLO (You Only Live Once) so live each day like it's your last and you'll never go wrong.

I'm on 1,637+ days since my youngest turned 18, so every day for me is a gift.
Ummm, you're just like the rest of us Rick, eyes are going bad (along with everything else) and can't see shit anymore.

YOLO (You Only Live Once) so live each day like it's your last and you'll never go wrong.

I'm on 1,637+ days since my youngest turned 18, so every day for me is a gift.
Isn’t that the Truth, you only live once and make it the absolute best you possibly can 👍👍🙂 at the moment it’s pouring rain here and getting 5 dogs out to Potty is Hilarious, big boy is half Lab and loves getting wet, 3 Chiwuawuaa run under the picnic table 😂
Isn’t that the Truth, you only live once and make it the absolute best you possibly can 👍👍🙂 at the moment it’s pouring rain here and getting 5 dogs out to Potty is Hilarious, big boy is half Lab and loves getting wet, 3 Chis run under the picnic table 😂

Been raining here all day and I walked Belle down to do her business earlier and she's been resting quietly. Lisa's getting ready to take her out now. She doesn't like the rain, but she loves playing in her pool and getting sprayed with the hose. Go figure.
Been raining here all day and I walked Belle down to do her business earlier and she's been resting quietly. Lisa's getting ready to take her out now. She doesn't like the rain, but she loves playing in her pool and getting sprayed with the hose. Go figure.
We have a Chow Chow/ Aust Shepard mix that jumped in Kathy’s SUV 13 yrs ago when she was dropping off my stepson at his dads house S St Pete in pouring rain, she had a leather collar that was twisted to make it smaller and about 3’ of clothes line attached that she must’ve been tied up out in the rain and broke free and to this day Hates rain
We have a Chow Chow/ Aust Shepard mix that jumped in Kathy’s SUV 13 yrs ago when she was dropping off my stepson at his dads house S St Pete in pouring rain, she had a leather collar that was twisted to make it smaller and about 3’ of clothes line attached that she must’ve been tied up out in the rain and broke free and to this day Hates rain

That makes me angry that someone would abuse an animal that way. Glad you have her now.
There are no bearings to repack on those vehicles. The front bearing is a sealed unit that just gets replaced when it goes bad. The rear will be the axle bearings inside the differential housing.

I was speaking more about the front bearings. If they are sealed, I'd just replace the hub then.
Went to give a bid earlier this afternoon for a new ac system, this is a 20 year old unit that the last installer pushed the hanger out of the way, laid the air handler inside the aux drain pan on 2x4’s and whole mess laying on the rafters, told the owner if we do the job it’ll be hung from the existing hanger the way it’s meant to be


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Well I was given a game of chance. I ripped it out of the cabinet and am going to power it up.
Went to give a bid earlier this afternoon for a new ac system, this is a 20 year old unit that the last installer pushed the hanger out of the way, laid the air handler inside the aux drain pan on 2x4’s and whole mess laying on the rafters, told the owner if we do the job it’ll be hung from the existing hanger the way it’s meant to be

Amazes me how many cheesedick contractors there are and people are too stupid to know any better. People should educate themselves on how to look for a quality job.
I’m not following?
You know those lottery machines people sit at at gas stations etc?

Local place had one sitting outside so I asked. Said take it it doesn't work...
Cabinet was swelled so I tore everything out the cabinet...now I'm putting it together to see if I can get it to function.
You know those lottery machines people sit at at gas stations etc?

Local place had one sitting outside so I asked. Said take it it doesn't work...
Cabinet was swelled so I tore everything out the cabinet...now I'm putting it together to see if I can get it to function.
I haven’t seen any of those here in Fla
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