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Having Fun at Every Turn - Oil Plug Destroyed

Kevin, That's a helluva job. Looks great. My brother always had olds cars. Among the 5-6 was a '64. Wasn't a Starfire, but I loved those lines. For luxury size cars they were decent performers.
Can't believe how quick you got everything done.
Kevin, That's a helluva job. Looks great. My brother always had olds cars. Among the 5-6 was a '64. Wasn't a Starfire, but I loved those lines. For luxury size cars they were decent performers.
Can't believe how quick you got everything done.

Thanks, but she's at a standstill right now waiting on all new brake lines, then I can finish with complete new brakes on all 4 corners (except the drums which you can't buy anymore), then to start moving forward again.

I want to be shooting the paint by March 1st, and have it up for sale by March 15th. This car was just a detour and I have 2 more cars waiting behind this one.
Contacted a place in Ohio that specializes in bending factory exhaust systems for Buick and Oldsmobile classic cars and had them build and bend me a new stock exhaust system for the Starfire (current one has holes everywhere) and is factory dual exhaust.

It's aluminized steel and including tax and shipping to my door, it was $545.

That's a sweet deal!

Thanks, it was actually $100 more, but I negotiated.

Lisa says I'm a Jew at heart (I am actually 1/4 Jewish by my maternal grandfather, but raised Roman Catholic by my Mom and Dad), but I hate paying prices above what I know it to be worth.

So, he acknowledged he made good money, and I got a good deal.
There was a shop near us that had all of the older car dies and bend info and they built great pipes. Now they are gone. For Chevelles NPD has pipes.

My Bronze Chevelle has a single exhaust, the Y pipe is no longer available. When I got it about 12+ years ago I was told it was the very last one in inventory at the Walker warehouse. Discontinued.
There was a shop near us that had all of the older car dies and bend info and they built great pipes. Now they are gone. For Chevelles NPD has pipes.

My Bronze Chevelle has a single exhaust, the Y pipe is no longer available. When I got it about 12+ years ago I was told it was the very last one in inventory at the Walker warehouse. Discontinued.

You can see these guys used a template of some sort as the pipes are all marked up for every bend. Kinda cool.

Your next exhaust will have to be custom most likely.

I could have had it done custom for the Starfire, but I'm trying to keep it as close to original as possible (especially for what I'm going to sell it for).
Hopefully there won't be a next exhaust.

I remember my first car show, it was an NCOA in Winston Salem inside a convention center. People were pushing their cars so the manifolds would not get hot. That is when I decided I do not want a show car, I want a driver. 30 years later she is still a driver. If you get the exhaust hot it will lessen the chance of rust and unleaded fuel is easier on systems.
Hopefully there won't be a next exhaust.

I remember my first car show, it was an NCOA in Winston Salem inside a convention center. People were pushing their cars so the manifolds would not get hot. That is when I decided I do not want a show car, I want a driver. 30 years later she is still a driver. If you get the exhaust hot it will lessen the chance of rust and unleaded fuel is easier on systems.

I can see how some people enjoy keeping their cars as close to new and perfect as possible, but to me having a car is driving it and enjoying it.

It's just a car and you can't take it with you when you die. I have never had a "show car" that just sat idly, I've always used them and enjoyed them.
Thought you'd like this..
That's a real beauty, but turbochargers with carburetors is a PITA. LOL
I always liked the Starfires and if I had Kevins, I would probably investigate stroking and modifying that 394 engine (I would keep the car).
I probably couldn't keep the 68 Camaro vert and the Starfire vert. I would have to sell one? That would be tough !

PS: Just watched the 62 Jetfire video. It's an amazing car ! You will enjoy this video !
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