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Yikes OCS

Current Events got a bad name because of a few bad seeds. It was more self-regulating in the beginning with people being drummed out with sensible challenges. After Trump was elected it became more polarized and then with the whole Covid thing became even more so. I think in CE you should get what you give, short of abuse. I was always respectful to others but have had many go off on me. I choose to ignore emotionally hyperbolic nonsense.
The same ones who cheer for censorship at every opportunity are the ones who instigated the problems... billdini, oldcutlass, chaze, and tdcharlie were all trouble-makers in CE and they all lick the mods' boots any chance they can over the censorship complaints.
The same ones who cheer for censorship at every opportunity are the ones who instigated the problems... billdini, oldcutlass, chaze, and tdcharlie were all trouble-makers in CE and they all lick the mods' boots any chance they can over the censorship complaints.
My only response is to observe the Fascist tendencies of some people there. They want to provoke and punish. That behavior will ultimately bring the site down. I don’t find it acceptable to be talked down to or controlled.

I think SSuper Dave’s farewell was very revealing. Dave was so helpful there, friends with so many and never controversial. I found some of the replies from those named above, and 1 other whose name will never be mentioned, to be heinous. Of course they’ll be mad at me when they read this but disavow that it’s happening. If it didn’t happen, why be mad? If it did happen, why be mad?

And the BABBLER.
Who dat?
I have not been back, nor will I go, but from what I've seen on this thread, and heard, I guess that I was not as well liked or valued as I had envisioned myself to be...
As I have said before, I feel like 24 years has been stolen from me, and I am filled with anger and and disappointment towards the thieves.
I have not been back, nor will I go, but from what I've seen on this thread, and heard, I guess that I was not as well liked or valued as I had envisioned myself to be...
As I have said before, I feel like 24 years has been stolen from me, and I am filled with anger and and disappointment towards the thieves.

I think you're wrong as not being well liked Dave. I think everyone liked and respected you, but I think they felt betrayed and angry that you would even consider leaving OCS for another site, so the response was more like "don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya" because they can't see what they've become. All I can say is I'm sorry it went down like it did.
I always teased these leftist clowns on line. I don't know how many times mods asked to stop, not because they were pissed but most of them said I made them laugh so much. Wish I would have kept some of the PM's. I had one guy who got so pissed on a mustang site he threatened to kill me, but I just kept on teasing him until they banned me, then I found this guy on several other sites and joined up to those sites and went after him. Needless to say, he don't like me. LOL.
I have not been back, nor will I go, but from what I've seen on this thread, and heard, I guess that I was not as well liked or valued as I had envisioned myself to be...
As I have said before, I feel like 24 years has been stolen from me, and I am filled with anger and and disappointment towards the thieves.
A few loudmouths on the cancel-culture side of things take joy in it every time someone leaves.
They are not the majority.

I have always liked and respected your posts... I believe we met at CB06 or CB08??? Maybe both?
Brian's pointing out the OCS hypocrisy and Dean doesn't like it. It's funny and sad at the same time. I do find it rather interesting that he uses his real name though like calling a kid on the carpet for doing something wrong.
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