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Old Chevelles

Welcome to OldChevelles.com, built by Auto Enthusiasts for Auto Enthusiasts. Cars are not our only interests so please feel free to post about any subject the community might enjoy or you just feel you need to air.

We respect free speech and constructive dialogue however we don't allow threatening talk against members, nudity, or pornography. Threads are monitored and trolls are not tolerated.

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Future Direction of Old Chevelles.

Alan F

Senior Member
We just had an awesome announcement about the future of this forum. Thread 'Welcome!'
https://oldchevelles.com/index.php?threads/2144/ It just pains me that some are looking wistfully at predecessor websites where most of us came from. I suggest it’s time to close the door on that chapter. Let’s spend our focus and energy making this site great and quit looking in the rear-view mirror. We are the future of hobbiest forums.

Here’s some ideas about how we can make this site surpass the other legacy commercial auto forums.
1. Get to know your fellow members, make a friend. In every instance, give them the benefit of the doubt. They have or know something you want.
2. While freedom of speech is a precious commmodity, it comes with personal responsibility which is to take care of your environment. If there are things that make you bristle, don’t participate in the same behavior. Self moderation is the best moderation.
3. Start a thread if there’s something on your mind. Post a joke or funny story. Everyone loves humor and a humorist.
4. Answer a thread, particularly if you have information beyond what’s already been posted.
5. Create a serial, like a build thread. It can be anything from a full restoration down to something as simple as rotating your tires.
6. Remain objective and humble. Try not to take a personal side or get involved in a personal dispute.
7. Invite someone you know to join.

And remember, the best recourse is living well.
Alan, Thank you for taking the time to write this.

I would also like to add and thank everyone on this site so far for making it what it is. We know it has to start somewhere just like other forums, and many of you have taken the time to share your personal stories, families and builds. Even at the expense of your time to recreate documents and stories.

So thank you again for giving this a try and making this work. As Alan and other of you have eluded to elsewhere, what made other sites successful long ago at their inception was the comradery and personalization of its managers and people. Thank you all for bringing that back.
Oldchevelles.com started from a conversation Kevin and I had in response to free speech. We decided to start a forum, not knowing where it was going. Kevin had the hardware available for use thru his business and in less than a day the site was up and running. The first iteration lasted one day, Kevin purchased the current software, we came up with topics and backgrounds and after some testing started to invite others.

We did not know what would happen but we are so happy you all are here to enjoy fellowship. It is your site, member owned, never will have ads and will not be sold.
Well, I haven't been banned and probably won't be, but every day, I am less and less interested in what goes on over there. If I had to pick one word to describe my feelings, it would be "offended". I'd been a proud member of the OCS since it was Hot Cars And Cold Beer, and well remember what it used to be like. Some of my best friends have come from being involved with that site, and the many Chevelleabrations and regional shows that I have attended with them. I have given and taken info in good faith, and am offended to see it become what it has, and by what they have done to those others who are my friends. I've been ripped off and I don't like it!
But I am thankful for what we have here. All '68's and '68-'72 El Caminos are my thing, but I love all years and models.
I like this place, I can also dis-agree with people and still like them. I also like that I am not shunned for having something other than a Chevelle (even though I am looking for another to build) and be allowed to participate. The only time someone should be banned is if they are threatening others or just plain causing trouble. Moving forward will take time here as forums are not the popular thing anymore as out local one is down to a trickle as all the car guys migrated to farsebook. You could start by having a Video section with old races of Chevelle's, also I always like builds sections and my favorite "how to really fix stuff". Just my 2 cents worth, when I get some more change I will add more ideas, but so far you guys are doing great here.
I like this place, I can also dis-agree with people and still like them.
I agree. I think the big issue these days is lack of communication on all sides. With todays cancel culture, a huge divide between political views and perceived racial / gender tensions being pushed, we have lost the art of debate and communication. We should still be able to talk and work through our differences but there are many on both side that can no longer have that debate without shutting down.

I'm one that can have a discussion and still be friends with you whether I do or don't agree with your views. Thats what's missing.
Oldchevelles.com started from a conversation Kevin and I had in response to free speech. We decided to start a forum, not knowing where it was going. Kevin had the hardware available for use thru his business and in less than a day the site was up and running. The first iteration lasted one day, Kevin purchased the current software, we came up with topics and backgrounds and after some testing started to invite others.

We did not know what would happen but we are so happy you all are here to enjoy fellowship. It is your site, member owned, never will have ads and will not be sold.
I for one, am glad I was invited. (y)
I happen to have a 71 in pieces right now. I am not that good with pics and typing so i usually keep it short because of how long it takes me to type. If i was more proficient i would post more build pics.
I will volunteer to help with the pics. If you have an iPhone (and probably other smart devices I don't have), you can speak to text. There's an Notes app. Open a new note, push the microphone button and talk away. If you want to send that to me, I'll post that too on your behalf. All you need do is pop in the thread and add commentary. Send me a PM if you want assistance.
I will volunteer to help with the pics. If you have an iPhone (and probably other smart devices I don't have), you can speak to text. There's an Notes app. Open a new note, push the microphone button and talk away. If you want to send that to me, I'll post that too on your behalf. All you need do is pop in the thread and add commentary. Send me a PM if you want assistance.

You're a good man Alan. Thanks for being a good friend.
Well, I haven't been banned and probably won't be, but every day, I am less and less interested in what goes on over there. If I had to pick one word to describe my feelings, it would be "offended". I'd been a proud member of the OCS since it was Hot Cars And Cold Beer, and well remember what it used to be like. Some of my best friends have come from being involved with that site, and the many Chevelleabrations and regional shows that I have attended with them. I have given and taken info in good faith, and am offended to see it become what it has, and by what they have done to those others who are my friends. I've been ripped off and I don't like it!
But I am thankful for what we have here. All '68's and '68-'72 El Caminos are my thing, but I love all years and models.
Dave and I met on OCS, went to CB and several regional shows together beginning in 1999. We spoke on this very issue weekend before last and I projected a lot more to him than I will here. Suffice it to say, I feel taken advantage of. There were many who were immediately suspicious when Al sold the site. I was naïve enough to believe it would be ok. I saw a real turning point during the Trump administration and peaking during the Covid period when membership was polarized about health rules that I perceived as a violation of my civil rights. WOW! Did I ever see the left wingers come out in force! CE took a bad turn during that period. IMO that's when there were certain members that were on a mission to disrupt CE, which was predominantly conservative. CE wouldn't have turned in to the hell hole it became if they would have told us there was a risk of losing the forum. There would have been more self-moderation. I feel like the members were set up. All it would have taken was 4 people to be permanently banned, none of which are people that are here now. Yet, I never reported anything in CE, except when some people were physically threatened. It was a bad place to be when you believe in free speech, yet see some people are taking it away from you when you did nothing wrong. I never got as much as a warning there and self-sacrificed many times to keep the peace. Once the decision was made, we were pushed out of the plane. I can't go back and won't look back.
I would like to see more how fix it, colors of things per different years. Not sure if everything is correctly known, but when I google info I need ocs always comes up. I also realize not everyone that has that info is around or wanting to share. Hopefully as time goes on more info will be added and oldchevelle will be right there with ocs.
I would like to see more how fix it, colors of things per different years. Not sure if everything is correctly known, but when I google info I need ocs always comes up. I also realize not everyone that has that info is around or wanting to share. Hopefully as time goes on more info will be added and oldchevelle will be right there with ocs.

It will, but it takes time. They have a 20+ year head start, but the more that share here, it'll catch up.
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