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Enjoy the humor.

I don't even want to tell you how many times I've been contacted for getting compensation. Even the VA has been sending me letters to come in.

I was stationed there from '81 to '84.
I wasn’t and I get emails and texts all the time. Crazy.
I don't watch TV and rarely listen to the radio, so I haven't seen the extent of what you guys are seeing. My just comes by way of emails and US postal service.
I'm heading that way, used to watch TV as a wind down after dinner, not anymore. Never had pay tv, always antenna. Recently they removed several stations that played nostalgia shows or old westerns, so that kind of made the tv a fixture.
II think ol Joe has been lying so often that he knows no other way, and it takes mental acuity to lie and be coherent. It's really carma getting it's revenge. It's not just ol Joe, it's a disease that's rampant within the democratic caucus.
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