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Enjoy the humor.

Expensive mistake... looks like a carbon-fiber roof panel, so it's a ZR1
$90k car 😲

pretty much 50/50 balanced car when complete, but the engine, radiator, and looks like all the front suspension/steering/cradle are out of it and hood is off, so the front is VERY light.

Lift arms can't really go back any further than they are. C6s are kind of a pain to lift. I cracked my rocker panel a couple weeks ago putting mine on the 2-post.
"Math is hard".
I have a two post lift.
I also ALWAYS do the math to determine my lift points.
It is not difficult math but you do need to know the cars length, engine placement, and weight at each axle.
A lift manual will warn you to add a vertical brace if removing a major component.
I wonder what that car sold for at salvage?
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