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I Just Posted This To The OCS


Veteran Member
Senior Member
And I AM mad as hell!!

I've struggled with posting this for a while now, as I've seen this type of posts in the past and always scoffed at them, but well, here I am anyway.

I got my first Chevelle in March of 1997, and became a part of TC when it was still Hot Cars And Cold Beer, and when it was announced that 201 gold memberships were going to be available on a first come, first served basis, I left work early (no PC's at work then!) and came home to log on, and was able to become #32 Gold, something of which I was very proud for a long time. I was active on the site, and made many lifelong friends and attended Chevelle shows all over the country. The site was very active, with knowledgeable people to offer advice, and characters of all sorts to keep things interesting. Al was a committed site owner, and respected by all, as was the late Skip Cain.

As with many good things, one becomes comfortable, and assumes that it will remain the same forever, despite knowing that this is never true. Time passed, and Al and Dot sold the site to a company that does this as a business, and they bear no blame in this. I can't imagine the hassles they had with TC over the years, and I applaud them for being able to cash in on their hard work.

Here is where I veer into conjecture, but suspect that I am not far off the mark, and I know others will agree. The company that bought the site is a Canadian corporation, and as such, is subject to the rules and regulations of its parent country. This is not conjecture, nor is the fact that the Canadian government is of socialist leanings, with a strong desire to control every aspects of its citizens lives. Now the new owners have set forth rules of operation to the moderators as to how the site is to be run, as every business does, and must. We had rules before and we have rules now. But the rules have changed. Censorship is now the order of the day, no opinion or post that questions the party line can be allowed to stand. I will not comment on the closure of Current Events either way, other than to say it was set up as a no holds barred area and as such, should not have even had a moderator. Do't like what's in there? Don't go back.

I questioned the new rules, and mentioned what my have been handed down to the mods from above. If I had been told, "yes, the rules have changed, and we are just working within those guidelines to keep the sire going", I would have happily accepted that. But one mod vigorously denied that they'd been given any rules at all, which cannot be true. I was disparaged and gaslighted in that post, and when others questioned it, the post vanished. It was then that I saw the future of TC.

In closing, I feel as though something has been stolen from me, something that I've had and cherished for the last quarter century, AND I'M MAD AS HELL ABOUT IT! I place the blame on the mods more that I do the new site owners.

I realize that few will see this post, as such talk cannot be allowed to stand, and dissent cannot be condoned in any way, and it will be deleted as soon as the mods see it. No matter, as I am logging off for the first time in 25 years, and will not return.
Those of you still here that are my friends, I will still be contacting you via e-mail and phone as I have always done. And if you feel as I do, all that I will say is there is another place that you can go, where you can experience what we used to experience.
And here is the response that I posted:

You are not alone in your thinking. This site is a huge disappointment now. People used to be super helpful and friendly, but that is no more. More often than not, someone who posts an honest question seeking help is disparaged and ridiculed. It's a shame that corporate greed has won the day.
I'm sorry it came down to that, but I'm glad you got to speak your mind only if it was for a brief moment before they delete it.

My observation of OCS is like this:

Remember in school when you had the click of popular kids and they shunned everyone else? That's what I saw.

This site will never deteriorate like OCS, and now that this site is owned and run by the community with a Board of Directors and will NEVER be sold, my hope is that those who seek a place to speak their mind, and share of themselves will come here.
I`ve been going there since 2009 after I took my car apart and started putting it back together.
Sometime in 2010 or so, I asked a question about something (I cant remember) and got replies like, Google is your friend or cant you find the search button.
I was also called an "East coast libtard" once.:ROFLMAO:
Pretty rude responses from some but, most were helpful.
So, it didn't just start and it wasn't because of CE.
It was because of the mods having power, THAT`s it.
They were called moderators back in the day. Now, they are "Super Moderators".:rolleyes:
I don't know what's so super about them.... BillK seems to be helpful though when I see his posts. Levon too, for the most part. Rich, not so friendly. The thread on OCS is still going, btw.
I read the thread at the OCS and oldcutless just had to put up the no whining meme.
That mentality is exactly what is wrong over there, well maybe a few other wrongs too.
I looked for a thumbs down on the like button and found none.
I've met Dean personally on numerous occasions, and he is a gentleman of the old school. Bill K is as well, both have been around since Day One and understand how it should be done. Bill has taken time out of his day to help me over the phone multiple times. The rest are, well...

Your post SsuperDave
You are getting a ton of support on the thread. So much in fact that’ll probably shut it down.

TD Charlie, OldCutlass and the mods will have a nice circle jerk when they drive out those with dissenting opinion.
Funny, I seem to remember TD and OldCutlass dishing it out with the best of them, but now they’re acting like choir boys who found the CE discourse so off putting.

Some other guy chimed in about not wanting to hear anyone else’s political opinion….
If you weren’t in CE you didn’t have to hear it. They could have easily enforced a zero tolerance policy outside of CE, so spare me the “they made me listen to their political opinion” horseshit.
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TG & Cutlet a couple of the worse.

Funny you should mention that..... Old Cutlets (his name is Eric) is a moderator at classic oldsmobile and he doesn't act like that there, so I guess he has to have an outlet to be snide and what better place than at OCS.

I'd bet some of these people are actually nice if you meet them in person, but put them behind a keyboard and they become "insta-asshole", and their real inner beauty comes out.
Didn’t one of those two phonies make an account here and getting booted for being a shit stirrer?

If so, how badly do you hate the political talk and arguments? Not too bad I guess since you signed up on another site to follow the discussion that you now pretend to find so offensive. Lol.
Didn’t one of those two phonies make an account here and getting booted for being a shit stirrer?

If so, how badly do you hate the political talk and arguments? Not too bad I guess since you signed up on another site to follow the discussion that you now pretend to find so offensive. Lol.

Yep, it was TD Charlie.
So the “report” button at the bottom of every post doesn’t do anything, like the “close” buttons on an elevator?!

No, it sends a note to the moderators who then look to see if the reported infraction is really an infraction.
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