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I Just Posted This To The OCS

We have people in this world that feel their goal is to ruin everything good, people cannot enjoy themselves and must be punished. They are constantly unhappy and will never enjoy the value of freedom. This is in every part of our lives now and we must resist.

Their big issue with our site is they have no power to get people banned, free speech is allowed and all views are encouraged. Notice how they don't join because we are "angry old white men". Truth is they are angry, angry that people resist their views and won't follow. Their "playbook" does not tell them how to handle strong minded people. Argue with a Lib, they back down fast. You have won the argument when they call you racist.
Their big issue with our site is they have no power to get people banned, free speech is allowed and all views are encouraged. Notice how they don't join because we are "angry old white men". Truth is they are angry, angry that people resist their views and won't follow. Their "playbook" does not tell them how to handle strong minded people. Argue with a Lib, they back down fast. You have won the argument when they call you racist.

All summarized with one word. Control. You will act, think, and comply as dictated or you will be discarded.

What I find humorous and maddening at the same time is their lack of understanding of the actual root problem. As simplistic as it is, they cannot seem to understand what freedom means to those who cherish it.
He was another one who enjoyed CE and would often inject his ultra liberal POV.
I agree! I saw that post along with a few from the "usual suspects" who denegrated the CE forum! Those idiots are obviously still there and I'm sure they think "they won"! NOPE we all lost something...FREEDOM of Speech! Plain & simple. I don't need to hear all of the flowery thoughts about keeping politics out of discussions. Well, HELLO!!!???, what else did you think would be part of a Current Events Forum anyway? Some people are simply "pinheads" who cannot apply logic correctly.

Don't fall prey to those who are not willing to speak their minds, tuck tail, and stay in line "or else"....THAT is why members here left TC! It's not about cars. That part is still pretty good, but it's about CONTROL!

Long live this forum!!! The more we get talented, knowledgable members here, the less any of us will ever go to TC, not by design but by human nature. It's great belonging to something where you know you are WANTED!!!

GOD Bless America!

I just posted this response to that thread.

I joined over 20 years ago.

I came for the technical information, and stayed for the camaraderie... the camaraderie seems to be gone now, replaced by heavy-handed moderation.

Technical forums need an element of entertainment to keep users engaged, because tech-only gets boring quickly. Much of the off-topic entertainment has been shunned and outright banned here. People have just decided to disengage rather than walk on eggshells and get talked down to.
That sucks.
Sounds like thin skinned shit on hillbilly’s part to me.
WTF could he have said that was that bad???🙄
Never mind I don’t give a shit. Mike should come back.
I guess you are calling Kevin thin skinned because it wasn't me that called Mike out for what he said about my kids. Just for the record, Mike Merlo for him bashing my family, I didn't complain to the Mods about it. So fuck you with your "thin skinned" comment.
I guess you are calling Kevin thin skinned because it wasn't me that called Mike out for what he said about my kids. Just for the record, Mike Merlo for him bashing my family, I didn't complain to the Mods about it. So fuck you with your "thin skinned" comment.
Yeah right.
This sounds a bit thin skinned to me.😩
I guess you are calling Kevin thin skinned because it wasn't me that called Mike out for what he said about my kids. Just for the record, Mike Merlo for him bashing my family, I didn't complain to the Mods about it. So fuck you with your "thin skinned" comment.

Mike Merlo isn't here to defend himself, and while you may not like him personally, I will not allow you attack him. Understood?
Kevin nailed it, CONTROL. I didn't quit over politics, I looked in on CE, and commented once in a while, usually something humorous, and did not so much disagree with their closing it, as with the way that they closed it and what it signified for the future. The noose is tightening all over, pretty soon if you comment that its hot outside, you'll be vilified as a sun hater and banned. THAT type of thing is ALL on the mods. I guarantee that they've taken the Vertiscope guidlines and bastardized them in order to do what they are doing in order to run their own little fiefdom. Understand that when I say mods, that Dean and BillK are not included. I place the blame almost entirely on one whose initials and name needs no mention.
From what I've read in this thread, my post is still up, which flat amazes me. I can only surmise that they've had their minions post good riddance type messages to blunt what I and some of the others have said. Derek's comment above sums it up.

Many years ago at a Chevelleabration, a member had to fly to New York and back for a day or so. He left me the keys to his Chevelle to use as my own while he was gone. One year I was there without a car. Another member really wanted to go to the Jack Daniels tour, and left his car with me. I spent all day detailing it and took it on the countryside cruise. Beer, cigars, food, money, and most of all, camaraderie were shared freely, simply based on the fact that the other guy was a TC member and fellow "Chevelleabrator" To this day, Von Cassidy is one of my best friends, despite the fact that if I'm lucky, I see him once a year for 3-4 days. There were TC'ers that I've never met, who if they showed up at my door right now and announced who they were, would have access to all that is mine, just on the strength of that connection.

Do you think that the environment over there NOW would engender those friendships, of if I may get an bit corny, brotherhoods?

I went to comment on the thread, but it's now locked. I'm actually surprised they left it up this long.
Seems like if they are so eager for members to take their verboten conversations elsewhere, they should be happy to promote this site to suit that need.
Seems like if they are so eager for members to take their verboten conversations elsewhere, they should be happy to promote this site to suit that need.

But that takes traffic away from their site and as we were told it's strictly forbidden to even mention this site or have active links.

When traffic drops off enough (and we all know it already has), it'll catch up with them, but then it'll be far too late.
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