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Building Our Barndominium

I’m thinking No foot traffic till Complete…?
Blue booties I'd bet, probably not golf cleats.

Light foot traffic after 3 days, but after the polyaspartic gloss topcoat (and 48 more hours) it's supposed to be able withstand commercial traffic, but golf cleats wouldn't do good for any type flooring.

As I've been told, the polyaspartic topcoat makes it fairly impervious to scratches and wear, and it's UV stable, so nothing will yellow over time. I wanted to give Lisa a floor that was easy to maintain, but stood out above and beyond so she could be proud of her house. Yes, most everything I do is for her. She takes care of me, so I give her the best I have and can give her. Yeah, I'm sappy, but she's been by my side for 37 years and put up with me, so she can have whatever she wants.
Light foot traffic after 3 days, but after the polyaspartic gloss topcoat (and 48 more hours) it's supposed to be able withstand commercial traffic, but golf cleats wouldn't do good for any type flooring.

As I've been told, the polyaspartic topcoat makes it fairly impervious to scratches and wear, and it's UV stable, so nothing will yellow over time. I wanted to give Lisa a floor that was easy to maintain, but stood out above and beyond so she could be proud of her house. Yes, most everything I do is for her. She takes care of me, so I give her the best I have and can give her. Yeah, I'm sappy, but she's been by my side for 37 years and put up with me, so she can have whatever she wants.
Kevin your floors are Beautiful, I have 1 cement floor and that’s our front porch which is part of the fireplace foundation, at the moment it’s a Rabbit cage and been that 9+ yrs 🙄 we love Harvey but I’d like to remodel the front porch the same as back porch and add ac, new hurricane rated windows and a nice entry door… before I’m 100 🤣 And try my hand at doing your Coffee Metalic epoxy floor 👍🙂 porch is only 8x8 but what a beautiful entry to a home that’d make
Kevin your floors are Beautiful, I have 1 cement floor and that’s our front porch which is part of the fireplace foundation, at the moment it’s a Rabbit cage and been that 9+ yrs 🙄 we love Harvey but I’d like to remodel the front porch the same as back porch and add ac, new hurricane rated windows and a nice entry door… before I’m 100 🤣 And try my hand at doing your Coffee Metalic epoxy floor 👍🙂 porch is only 8x8 but what a beautiful entry to a home that’d make

8' x 8' would cost you under $250.
I just remembered I can't walk on the floor yet because I like my family jewels where they're at now. I'll wait a few more days. :) I learn quick!
I just remembered I can't walk on the floor yet because I like my family jewels where they're at now. I'll wait a few more days. :) I learn quick!

I cheated and walked on it today. This epoxy is from a different place and it's already rock solid. Going to do the polyaspartic topcoat tomorrow and then Saturday it can withstand full traffic.

You can step on it all you like then. :)
I cheated and walked on it today. This epoxy is from a different place and it's already rock solid. Going to do the polyaspartic topcoat tomorrow and then Saturday it can withstand full traffic.

You can step on it all you like then. :)
Don’t think an extra buffer day would matter?
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