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Mat. 6:24
"No one is able to serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You are not able to serve God and money."
And as a real life example of what He is saying here can be found in Luke 18:18-23.
The rich young young ruler went away very sad because his heart was in his riches. He could not follow another god.
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Republican, democrat, independent; the titles mean little to me. Issues are more important. Do you say one thing and do another? If yes, your off my list for your lack of integrity. A person is only as good as his/her word.
But that's just me.
Why would you assume I don't have integrity ? I wouldn't imply that about you.
We have plenty of issues that should help you vote for a republican (this time).
I really shouldn't have to list them; I'm sure you're aware.
Just thought it would be nice to think of you as on our side.
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Why would you assume I don't have integrity ? I wouldn't imply that about you.
We have plenty of issues that should help you vote for a republican (this time).
I really shouldn't have to list them; I'm sure you're aware.
Just thought it would be nice to think of you as on our side.
I won't mention it again. Go ahead and vote for a democrat.

Whoa! I didn't take it that way. I think Lou was just making a statement.
Oh, I've been here all along but I've been doing life stuff so I didn't want to get involved in any discussion that I would have to abruptly leave.
I didn't mean for it to sound like I was mad. I thought he was addressing me..
I like Lou. Was just trying to recruit him. LOL
I think you should keep politics out of this thread. A religious thread is a good thing. I'd like to know what others have to say since I lived in Egypt and spent some time in Israel.
I think you should keep politics out of this thread. A religious thread is a good thing. I'd like to know what others have to say since I lived in Egypt and spent some time in Israel.
Stirring the pot for no reason ?
Lou and I are fine.
This isn't a religious thread.
1969 is stringing along people with non-sensical posts that he doesn't want answers to.
In other words, he's trolling. But that's JMHO.
IMO, any 'religion' that doesn't welcome all viewpoints just doesn't like to be challenged.
Any way to an open door.
Stirring the pot for no reason ?
Lou and I are fine.
This isn't a religious thread.
1969 is stringing along people with non-sensical posts that he doesn't want answers to.
In other words, he's trolling. But that's JMHO.
Well, early on you totally missed the point of a post or two and then you post about republicans and voting etc.

Just interested in having a conversation about religion as it was started, not rep/dem. Not stirring the pot.

I guess carry on.
Well, early on you totally missed the point of a post or two and then you post about republicans and voting etc.

Just interested in having a conversation about religion as it was started, not rep/dem. Not stirring the pot.

I guess carry on.
A stirred pot is way better than a burning pot.
Just the cure for JDS.😁
Speaking of stirring the pot....
Psalm 82:1
"God stands in the divine assembly;
He administers judgment in the midst of the gods. "
Wait, there are other gods?
This is all part of the government of the spiritual world. The footprints of which can be found throughout the Bible and answer many questions like who are the 'principalities and powers' and 'the rulers of the darkness of this age' that Paul spoke of in Ephesians 6:12:
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Yeah, the real ones 'pulling the strings' are "not flesh and blood".
Speaking of stirring the pot....
Psalm 82:1
"God stands in the divine assembly;
He administers judgment in the midst of the gods. "
Wait, there are other gods?
This is all part of the government of the spiritual world. The footprints of which can be found throughout the Bible and answer many questions like who are the 'principalities and powers' and 'the rulers of the darkness of this age' that Paul spoke of in Ephesians 6:12:
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Yeah, the real ones 'pulling the strings' are "not flesh and blood".
I thought this wasn’t a religious subject
Is this just a passive intellect game or a 5g bible thumping? I'm all in for Bible interpretation, but follow a thought please.
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