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What’d you work on today?

Busy week...

Saturday, washed the Chevelle and took it to its only car-show of the year. After the show, came home and race prepped for Sunday.
Sunday, autocross all day. 137 drivers - overall finished 7th fastest, and 4th in PAX.
Tonight, I'll replace a wheel bearing on my trailer and load my Grandpa's old tractor up to take to his funeral on Wednesday. He passed last week at 102 years old.
Busy week...

Saturday, washed the Chevelle and took it to its only car-show of the year. After the show, came home and race prepped for Sunday.
Sunday, autocross all day. 137 drivers - overall finished 7th fastest, and 4th in PAX.
Tonight, I'll replace a wheel bearing on my trailer and load my Grandpa's old tractor up to take to his funeral on Wednesday. He passed last week at 102 years old.
Sorry for your lose.
102! God Bless Him.
Busy week...

Saturday, washed the Chevelle and took it to its only car-show of the year. After the show, came home and race prepped for Sunday.
Sunday, autocross all day. 137 drivers - overall finished 7th fastest, and 4th in PAX.
Tonight, I'll replace a wheel bearing on my trailer and load my Grandpa's old tractor up to take to his funeral on Wednesday. He passed last week at 102 years old.
Sorry to hear about your Grandpa passing, 102 wow (y) (y)
Busy week...

Saturday, washed the Chevelle and took it to its only car-show of the year. After the show, came home and race prepped for Sunday.
Sunday, autocross all day. 137 drivers - overall finished 7th fastest, and 4th in PAX.
Tonight, I'll replace a wheel bearing on my trailer and load my Grandpa's old tractor up to take to his funeral on Wednesday. He passed last week at 102 years old.
Thinking of you 102 is a good, long life.
Busy week...

Saturday, washed the Chevelle and took it to its only car-show of the year. After the show, came home and race prepped for Sunday.
Sunday, autocross all day. 137 drivers - overall finished 7th fastest, and 4th in PAX.
Tonight, I'll replace a wheel bearing on my trailer and load my Grandpa's old tractor up to take to his funeral on Wednesday. He passed last week at 102 years old.
Sorry for your loss. 102 is some accomplishment.
Sample shaft rockers from Scorpion showed up.
So the hope is to check them out this evening.
Edit; Looking good, off-set matches great.
Now to figure out what I have to do to clear my ARP studs.
Looks like they need to be shorter.
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1979 LawnBoy F series, runs but barely and smokes. May have bad fuel mix or spark plug. just not getting any RPMs. Float, needle and seat have been replaced. No idle adjustment, uses a vane for engine speed. Tomorrow is another day.
Finally got the garage walls painted. Looks pretty darn good.

Next project on the house will be epoxy the floors. Not looking forward to the cleanup of floor. Probably rent a power washer then concrete grinder. Don’t want to have to do it twice.

Seems like when I did the floor under the Chevelle many years ago, there were several companies that sold homeowner DIY kits. The one I bought at the time was made by the people who make Quikrete.

Now it seems like the only game in town is Rustoleum.
Maybe I’ve been doing it wrong but when I was a kid and then later in life, I’ve never once changed or sharpened a lawnmower blade.
Maybe I’ve been doing it wrong but when I was a kid and then later in life, I’ve never once changed or sharpened a lawnmower blade.
We have about 3 acres, I try to use the tractor for the field but the mower gets a workout in the yard every week. Blades get damaged from gravel, sticks etc and get dull, the blades I replaced were dull and one was cracked. I sharpen them a couple of times a year but the crack in the end was leaving a streak between 2 blades. My wife mows a lot so I try to keep the mower ready to roll. The sharp blades allowed me to really cut the moisture rich grass and not stop up.
I have been learning the art of pounding metal this past week.
Started stripping 30 year old bondo on the 71s quarter panel, found some old collision damage where the quarter was caved in.
I am quite proud of my progress so far. Now it's looking like a few patches in the lower area instead of buying complete quarter panel. Woo hoo
Mostly a 1978 MGB for a buddy.
Nearly done at last.

Also CC'ed my Lotus head so that I may look for pistons.
YOUCH! Seems no matter which engine I look at pistons are $1,000 to $1,200.
Four, six, or eight makes no difference. :rolleyes:
Got the hellcamino kinda done and took it around the block.....brakes good, tranny shifts as it should, runs cool, and almost no leaks. The fittings at the steering box need to be reseated, leaching a tiny bit. I went a bit farther than I wanted, in the name of reliability....which padded the overhead a bit. A few odds and ends, then it's insurance time!


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