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OCS kills free speech again.....

EVs are now part of the car "culture". EVs and ICE vehicles are in the political forefront. Don't bet the EPA wont be after our old cars, I am sure it is on their radar. I am going to bet there will be mandatory emission tests and all vehicles must conform to a base number or they will be taken off the road.
Why can't people discuss things rationally? I blame it on mental illness resulting from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).
Heating up

Dean : there is no such thing as freedom of speech on privately owned forums
Yes there is. Speak for yourself.
I like coming here and I abide by the rules.
I just responded to Gene who calls me names all the time. He seems to be one who gets an exception ?
There you go, privately owned forums. They make the rules and those rules don't include free speech. Canadian owned company where they are all liberals.

As for Gene, he's one odd cookie. Some of the gibberish he writes has left me confused more times than I can count.
Didn't see the post....and don't really care.
Don't wish to discuss politics, either.
But I do think that it's B.S. when a member who is NOT a moderator and has been here for less than three years with under 300 posts feels compelled to tell others what they can and can not say here. Most of us know what the rules are and can follow them without some type of self-righteous banter being directed at us.
Know your role and your place. Some of us do NOT enjoy being told what to do or spoken down to in that manner.
But on the other hand, there are five fingers and a thumb.

No but seriously if we start letting stuff that is links that take members away from here to a discussion on another site which contains xxx matter (which is what started all this) then this CHEVELLE forum site is headed to a sad ending.

Some folks obviously don't like me (they call me names over at the EVERYTHING and ANYTHING GOES so called Chevelles forum) for trying to do my job, mainly because they don't even have any idea about why I did what I did. Sure, I make mistakes just like everyone else does.

Just remember, there is no such thing as freedom of speech on privately owned forums, either you like being here with cyber friends or you don't.
#41 · a moment ago

BLM : Beth,
Your opinions and views are not appreciated here. So why don't you just stay away. After all you don't know squat about Chevelles and political extremes are not permitted here so you serve no purpose.
I'm not asking anyone here to change a darn thing.
Gene insulted me and your "good ol' boys club" predictably ignored him.
So now you threaten anyone who doesn't like being talked down to ?
Have a good day.
Amazing. Dean's doing a job? Bullshit, he's the head of their liberal gestapo. What a ignorant fool. He doesn't even realize he's become part of the machine.
I might get banned but I'm REALLY getting pissed.

After all you don't know squat about Chevelles so you serve no purpose.
I don't know you Brad.
I'm building my 3rd BBC. It has brodix heads, a Howard roller and Wolfplace rotating assy.
I rebuilt the entire 67 suspension with a TKX 5 spd and S60 rear.
I'm installing an AAW wiring harness by myself.
Who are you to judge my skills ? I've forgotten more about Chevelles than most people on this site know.
I only participate on TC because there is a wealth of technical information on that site and current discussions can be rewarding as well. However, if anything remotely pointing the way to political discussions is interjected into a decent conversation that is car related you get blasted for it (at least that’s the plan over there) and that’s just plain wrong!

I still say TC made a mistake removing the sub forum allowing current events altogether and banning the “p”-word! When we no longer have a country or any fuel to run our cars TC will be the last source to ask “what happened”!

I’m for open discussions on important matters with like minded individuals (who love Chevelles) regardless of political persuasion. How else are we as a country ever going to heal our country and make it prosperous once again? Oh, I see, that’s the plan....destroy our country by creating division! Hmmmm!

It’s definitely wrong to blast this forum just because we allow “opinions” in open discussion on this forum. We are adults and know when things get out of control, but we don’t dictate control to our friendly users here! What’s so hard to understand?
Another member had pointed that out and showed the threads that had nothing to do with Chevelle’s but Nothing said about them, Chevelle or other cars Only site..? I learned a long time ago how to work on 1 thing and talk about something else while still working on the 1 thing, whatever it’s sad
From a website I follow:

If we know that division is the other side’s major tactic to keep us from organizing, let’s recognize it and not let us fall victim to it. I have noticed an increase in the comments concerning negative or divisive tactics on this site. I posted an article concerning Elon Musk and the negative comments came. If you do not know his story, here is a snippet. While Musk is more like Tony Stark than John Galt, no one can question his determination and success without ulterior motives or jealousy.

The above is just one example. Here are some of the other favorite topics used to divide us:

  1. Race
  2. Religion
  3. Orange Man bad
  4. Standing down or standing down
  5. Leadership
  6. Ukraine
  7. Voting
  8. Communists
  9. Political party
  10. Aliens
While a healthy discussion based on facts is welcome, trolls, ignorance and division are not welcome. I can only tell you what is important to me:

  1. If I cannot change it, I do not devote any time to it. I may publish information but that does not mean the information will be transformed into actionable intelligence in my life. Whether we live in the end times or not does not impact my life. What your personal beliefs (religion) are does impact my life if I must interact with you. Obviously 99.9999% of the population does not impact me at this time.
  2. I know that bad times are here now and am preparing and training according to what I think will benefit the local community.
  3. I do not care if we do not have a plan for government once evil is defeated. Righteous men can stand on the shoulders of our forefathers’ wisdom. And they relied on the Lord’s wisdom to guide them to build a righteous government. They warned us what would happen if we were not vigilant.
  4. I do not care if we have no “leader”. I do care if we are dividing ourselves.
  5. At the end of the day, I care about how my gardens are doing, has the infrastructure at the community center been improved and most importantly, did I follow the Lord’s path for me this day.
Only you know what your path for the future is. If you are here to divide people, distribute false information in any form or just want to troll, I will call you out. If you want to build a better future for our children, become a better person and determine a course of action based on Sacred Honor with a firm reliance on Divine Providence, we are on the same side.
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