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OCS kills free speech again.....

People selectively choose what they choose to see, and what they choose to ignore, but truth escapes them. They can lead and live their sheltered lives, but without the ability to step outside the box, they have doomed themselves to stupidity.

Their problem to deal with and I don't give a rat's ass what they think as my opinion of them won't change.
If they only knew that we are really a close bunch over here, we can disagree respectfully.
Also that thread he mentions is almost 2 years old.
Like 77cruiser said, I visit other sites owned by the same company as OCS and they have political sections and they are mainly conservative.
It’s the closest commies that have a problem.
I don’t get that part we’re All Angry on this site?? Very Laughable and I haven’t been in High School since the 70’s but something seems to be ringing a bell lol
Considering we have to deal with idiots and they just go in the coral without bucking, yes, we're probably very angry by their standards, probably scare them a bit. Bonus.
That's the truth, but ignorant people are too blind to see and just like the liberal lemmings, they follow each other over the cliff. Whatever.
That's a fact. Funny thing is when members here have posted some of the nonsense posted on OCS, I've seen a number of things copied from our site.

Imitation is a form of flattery, isn't it? There can only be one site that is truly free, no advertising, free speech and owned by its' members.

Old Chevelles will be around for a long time and will continue to be supported by its members.
I’ve got nothing against anyone over there but Free Speech in America is just Normal to me, I really don’t know what else to say

Truthfully Rick, I don't really care what they do over there, and I understand they want control over their site and their members, but what I never liked is the inability to speak freely and converse normally. Being censored for speaking normally is just plain stupid, but whatever.

Dean said it best: Dean : there is no such thing as freedom of speech on privately owned forums

Those who would restrict free speech are the same as those who seek to control others much like the liberals do. Shameful.
Truthfully Rick, I don't really care what they do over there, and I understand they want control over their site and their members, but what I never liked is the inability to speak freely and converse normally. Being censored for speaking normally is just plain stupid, but whatever.

Dean said it best: Dean : there is no such thing as freedom of speech on privately owned forums

Those who would restrict free speech are the same as those who seek to control others much like the liberals do. Shameful.
The thing is, the people who own the site aren’t the ones censoring free speech.
It’s the commies monitoring it.
I understand you have to have rules or it would end up a free for all like Yellow Bullet used to be. There was a whole lot of Ed Bigley's over there I believe.
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