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OCS kills free speech again.....

I have come to the conclusion that there are some real asshats on the other site now. The new members are whiners that contribute nothing. I rarely
post things now, because I just don't want to help those kinds of people (nor do I want help from people like that).
You're being a Nashville Catalyst.....or exposing many of them for what they are.........and that truth will get you banned. They hate it when the ugliness floats to the top. Isn't your fault. It's so consistent that the extreme passive aggressive Gene gets to get personal and the mods won't call him out, they'll just close the thread when the attackies get pissed and respond to him. This'll go down the same way.
I just don't get it. I used to know Gene, and pretty well, and cannot understand the change in him the last 3-5 years. The old Gene would have taken up for Beth if anyone had addressed her in with the insulting manner that he just affected.
I think it all goes back to them being under the purview of the communist Canadian government. WhHen I left, if Rich had told me, look, we have new ownership and new rules and I just have to enforce them, like it or not, I could have lived with that. But he said they'd been give no rules at all, and could do whatever they wanted, and we ALL know that is a crock of shit.
I've met and spoent time with Dean at numerous car shows , and in person, he is a fine gentleman. But his constant mantra that Chevelles only are to be discussed is off base. If that were the case, he was out of line and in violation of his own rules by posting when his wife died. Bench Racing is for the kind of stuff we'd disc uss in our own garages with our buddies over a beer, and that encompasses politics and wimmin. By their own rules, the Bench Racing forum should be done away with as well.

I know I've said this before, it's not just VerticalScope that's the problem, I'm on a couple other sites that are owned by VS & they don't have the Gestapo like at OCS.
Billy Gman called Dean out for claiming he didn't see Gene insult me for no reason :

GENE (427L88) : As far as I can tell, NB is either an extreme malconent, or simply a russkie SVR agent. I KNEW it was only a matter of time before ITS true colors stood back out.

SVR agent you say? Chaas, arent you a little paranoid? Y'all may not have any idea how deep that crap runs. I do. SVR or its predecessors Infiltrated the white supremacy movement since at least 1980. Mission is to sow doubt, discontent and cause internal civil strife. ( Ps ask any FBI agent familiar with CI) .

Gee, how are those bastids doing here in America fellas? Rhetorical question, please do not answer, we know the answer.
DEAN : hmm, guess I missed Gene calling you names, got a link ???
I see that they let you post the F word over at the EVERYTHING and ANYTHING GOES forum.

BillyGman : Right above your post here^ Mr. Moderator. BTW, "NB" means "Nashville Beth"
I just don't get it. I used to know Gene, and pretty well, and cannot understand the change in him the last 3-5 years. The old Gene would have taken up for Beth if anyone had addressed her in with the insulting manner that he just affected.
I think it all goes back to them being under the purview of the communist Canadian government. WhHen I left, if Rich had told me, look, we have new ownership and new rules and I just have to enforce them, like it or not, I could have lived with that. But he said they'd been give no rules at all, and could do whatever they wanted, and we ALL know that is a crock of shit.
I've met and spoent time with Dean at numerous car shows , and in person, he is a fine gentleman. But his constant mantra that Chevelles only are to be discussed is off base. If that were the case, he was out of line and in violation of his own rules by posting when his wife died. Bench Racing is for the kind of stuff we'd disc uss in our own garages with our buddies over a beer, and that encompasses politics and wimmin. By their own rules, the Bench Racing forum should be done away with as well.

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I used to be friends with Gene. I bought a flywheel from him.
It was Trump that turned him into a hater of any conservative who supported him.
He still believes there is no difference between conservatives and liberals.
Of course he is a liberal, although I doubt he understands it. He has let hate take him over.
“GENE (427L88) : As far as I can tell, NB is either an extreme malconent, or simply a russkie SVR agent. I KNEW it was only a matter of time before ITS true colors stood back out.”

At first I literally couldn’t tell if this post was serious or parody. Then as I read further his username stuck a chord.
IIRC he was the guy who called me an idiot - which I consider a complement from a guy who thinks a post against pornography in schools might be a vast Russian plot to sew discontent. As if no reasonable person could be against exposing kids to pornography in schools.

Anyway I called him out on his name calling and personal attack even quoting him directly until he sheepishly backed down. Anyway, as BillyGman pointed out, his person attack was conveniently ignored by the mods. I guess they protect their own.
I can’t tell with the mods over there but would someone get censored for simply suggesting that OT/ political discussion be brought over here?
This site is mentioned by name so it’s not like it’s a secret. I feel like they should appreciate that recommendation instead of having to have this uncomfortable debate periodically but who knows.

I don’t want to stir the pot but it seems like a win, win.
I can’t tell with the mods over there but would someone get censored for simply suggesting that OT/ political discussion be brought over here?
This site is mentioned by name so it’s not like it’s a secret. I feel like they should appreciate that recommendation instead of having to have this uncomfortable debate periodically but who knows.

They have a funny way of looking at things over there. They don't want people to leave their site, so no one can say our name there, but they don't want political speech either. I just don't go there (being banned anyways for asking a valid question). They seem to think we are competition and view this site as a bastard stepchild (which I find humorous). If you like going there I suggest you don't mention anything or you're likely to get banned (a few here already had that happen).
Don't think so....iirc both were active at the same time. Imo, both him and gene should be slapped for the attacks on you. I wouldn't normally say that, but on a board where one side is favored it hamstrings the resenting party so there's no real way to defend your opinion.
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