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  • We've changed the header logo to display our Member's Cars.

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Yikes OCS

It doesn't matter, I was just curious why somebody would want to use a picture of me and I got my answer from him.

To those that I banned from TC for breaking the rules there, I am not the one that makes the rules, just my job to try to enforce them.

We're having a Chevelle/El Camio show here today and it's raining so I'm waiting until tomorrow to take my 69 out.

I'll see if I can post another picture of myself (and my granddaughter who was getting her white coat at Nursing school.

OK, I'll shut up and get back to chevelles.com, good luck with the about EVERYTHING forum.


  • CrystalWhiteCoatday.jpg
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and not in any way respectful for years of contributions on the OCS. Personally, I've answered 1000s of questions over there, steered plenty of folks in the correct direction and asked nothing in return.....and it all came to an end without a single pm explaining the action taken.
. I think that’s a fantastic explanation. The value of a site or organization is not in a registered domain name, it’s in the people that frequent the site, providing content and as a place for new people to get questions answered.
You start looking for reasons to ban long time members who bring traffic and you get what you have now. Questions get asked but with increasing frequency no one answers.
Dean has all the chevelle info he could possibly ever need on the other site so why on earth would he be over here unless hes trolling or he actually misses us and wants to apologize. I also find it funny that some of us on here were considered TC trouble makers when we were only banned for responding to the actual trouble makers.
The mods at TC were never politically aware. They are like your neighbor who goes to church and votes democrat.
So when the country started going down the tubes with the covid nonsense and environmental bullshit that is
threatening to crush our hobby, obviously those of us that could see the danger wanted to talk about it !
And the room-temp IQ of the mods couldn't handle it.
That's how libs want to live : either forcing others to live like they decide or just keeping your head up your ass and live in blissful ignorance.
This is actually great being able to fuck with dean in the forum without any fear of being banned. Hey Dean FUCK YOU.... How you like me now? Your old buddy from New York
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This seems petty... Dean is a decent guy. I don't always agree with him, but he's never been malicious about his enforcement of the rules.
Bullshit - Hes a liberal communist and he has banned a lot of us for the absolute dumbest reasons, Did you ever ask yourself why this new chevelle site had to be created?
Yes, bullshit. I hadn't responded on that site for days and out of the blue was banned for lifetime.....the only connection was comments I made here on the demise of CE, then poof and again, no explanation. It was confirmed that Dean had registered and was lirking here. Hey, I'm certainly not here to brand a man for this, just telling a personal experience.
We will never be like OCS from the standpoint of banning people for rules we don't believe like limiting free speech, but there a number of members here who were banned for being troublemakers.... I won't go into specifics, but since OCS is run by a very liberal bunch we all know they will stop any conversation that is contradictory or controversial to those in charge. Those who created the issues on OCS in CE were very liberal and instigated more than 98% of the issues, but the liberal mods sided with them instead, so here we are with a member owned site that allows free speech and we've been labeled as "angry old men" to and "everything" site, but I submit, those who are in control at OCS and other sites like where Paul Bell is a mod, and Eric (Old Cutlass) is a mod went to OCS to stir up shit and got away with it because the moderators at OCS are very liberal. Hence CE was shut down because the mods were tired of hearing complaints from those who got butt hurt when the truth was told.

Does that sound about right Dean? Tell me I'm wrong......
I knew his picture would flush him out of hiding someday and now we have 100% proof that we were all being spied on by this tool moderator from OCC which I believe is certainly grounds for his dismissal.
I knew his picture would flush him out of hiding someday and now we have 100% proof that we were all being spied on by this tool moderator from OCC which I believe is certainly grounds for his dismissal.

Being "spied upon" isn't grounds for dismissal, but shows the true character of the person..... need I say more?
Being "spied upon" isn't grounds for dismissal, but shows the true character of the person..... need I say more?
I guess being spied on is ok if the us government can do it to the trump campaign without any consequences even though its a treasonable offense.....I dont mind dean lurking around here if he gets off on it. That gives me open season to fuck with him regularly just for fun
Are you all sure Dean was the one who banned you?

Billdini got some people banned.
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